
My wife has a lump on the top of her v****a?

by  |  earlier

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It is sore to the touch and is right at the top of her lips and has yellow tint to it




  1. sorry to hear that not sure she should go to the doctor

  2. its a banana c lit

  3. I have no idea.

    It could just be an ingrown hair or something.

    I recommend going to the doctors though.

    Good Luck x

  4. it may be a ingrown hair...their so annoying

  5. It's probably a boil or cyst. Put a wash cloth soaked in hot water and Dettol on it to help soften it. These are really common. if it doesn't go down in the next couple of days go see a doctor. I'd be tempted to lance it with a sterilised needle but it depends whether she's squeamish or not.  

  6. Have you just found her clitoris? If it isn't that, it's probably a boil or ingrowing hair.  

  7. sounds painful,

    hope she gets better

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