
My wife has dumped me in a foregin country, disappearing with my passport and green card?

by  |  earlier

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I was drugged and now am stranded with just 100 dollars? What am I to do?




  1. And yet you have a computer and internet connectivity.  Ain't life grand.

    (You have questions about your wife leaving you a whole year ago.  Get over it.)

  2. Go have a beer .

  3. You hit an internet cafe?

    Seriously though. You need to go to the police station and report your passport lost/stolen. Contact the embassy of your nationality for a new passport, and then contact the US embassy for a new green card.

    Cancel the credit cards before your wife drains them dry.

  4. First- Jump up and down because your wife is gone- Then go to a pub and have a few beers and something to eat. When you wake up tomorrow sell the laptop you used to post this question and come home

  5. goto closest U.S. Embassy, give them your social security number, they should be able to pull up your INS records, and will tell you how to proceed.

  6. Call the US embassy about the Green Card and your own embassy about your passport.  Report the theft of both to the local police and get a written report.

  7. Ring the American Embassy ( or embassy of the country u hold the passport of)  & seek advise from them, they would be the people who can really help u in this matter.

    But if she ran away with ur stuff without ur consent then its police case. You would need police report to take with you to Embassy to have ur passport replaced.

  8. you want to get a hold of the embassy as soon as possible and report this..they will help you get out of the country. i hope you registered with the sec of state before leaving the country...this also helps..

  9. Go your country's consulate, get a replacement passport for a stolen passport, and request assistance in returning to your home country.  They will contact your family to get the money for your transportation back to your own country.

  10. Women, can't live with em', can't live

    Kidding of course.  You might want to think about a divorce.

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