
My wife has/had a hernia near her r****m do to pregnancy ?

by  |  earlier

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She showed me and later it was gone and said he had a big one then i knew there was infidelity how would you react if that wa what was told to you honestly? I don't think she was joking either and she would never try that with me so i could push it back in for her myself thanks for quick answers




  1. man that is messed up leave her it was her not him she seems like she is messing around to me.

  2. Dude, go have a talk to your GP about it on your own he'll tell you if it possible or not, I don't think it is so hate to say I think she let another guy do her.....

  3. omg are you for real ? push it in?

  4. She was JOKING. If she really did that, she wouldn't tell you and most women wouldn't cheat while they were pregnant. Oh, and pregnant women do get that. And if she isn't going to do that with you, she won't do it with any one else!

  5. What? I don't even understand your question. Please edit and rephrase.

  6. do you mean a hemorrhoid? Many women who get pregnant get them. She needs a stool softener. and eat more fruit.

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