
My wife is 27 weeks pregnant and I don't have health insurance, how can I get one? NO GOVERNMENT PLANS?

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I don't qualify for any government plan like medicaid or similar, I need private insurance and I am self employed so I have no group or company insurance, any suggestions??????




  1. o.k... hold onto your seat.... I can help!

    There is a company called AmeriPlan USA... they cover all pre-existing conditions.. even pregnancy!  They are a discount health benefits company who , unlike insurance companies,  actually sign contacts with doctors and dentists to offer discounted prices for their members!

    If you have to be hospitalized (for the birth) you can go to any hospitalof your choice, and if the bill is over $2500, they have a advocate who works directly with the hospital to get the bills lowered as much as possible for you (usually at least 50% off).. and then you can set up a interest free payment plan with the hospital!! (I just had a baby 6 months ago and that's what I did!)

    their basic health plan is $29.95 a month per household.. and if you want to add dental, vision, prescription drug coverage and chiropractic care it's $39.95 a month per household..

    You can see the plans at this website.. and please call me for details, because I know you'll have questions.. if you don't have long distance, fill out the contact me form and i'll call you tomorrow if you wish about this.

    My family has one of these plans and love it and use it all the time!

    I sure hope this helps you out!

  2. Start saving every week. Go to He has a plan to handle everything...

  3. No one will issue a policy with maternity coverage on someone who is pregnant.

  4. Isn't it awful that Insurance isn't there for those who truly need it? Shoot they are out to make money not spend it, so knowing that by insuring a pregnant woman like your wife is going to guarantee that they will have to pay out indefinitely, and well that's just not acceptable in their books.

    There are alternative plans available for people in situations just like yours, it's called Consumer Driven Healthcare. Feel free to contact me and I can get you the links and info. (Don't want to be banned for sharing links here...)

    Good Luck!

  5. Well the bad news is.. that as your wife is already expecting their are no plans that I am aware of that will cover her now. Many plans require you have the insurance for at least a year prior to a pregnancy before they will even cover it.. I don't know of any that will cover her n the middle of her pregnancy.. There are hospitals (county_ that have to take her as a patient.. She can also go to a health center in your area and they can do her prenatal visits and you can have a hospital set up to deliver the baby.. Check your community resources and county Hospitals.

  6. What you're asking for is not possible.  Doesn't exist in the market.

    With a wife who is currently 27 weeks pregnant, you have 3 options:  1)  qualify for a gov't plan.  2)  get a job that comes with group insurance benefits (including maternity).  or 3)  start saving to pay for the bills out of pocket.

  7. Unfortunately there is probably nothing you can do. If you were an illegal immigrant no problems. Sad but true. nobody will pay if you buy because of the pre existing factor. That is one thing about this country that bothers me. People who work and pay taxes can't get help when they need it but people who do not pay taxes get free major medical. You could move out and be separated. Then she could get welfare to pay and they will make you pay child support while your separated. Then get back together after the baby is born and both are healthy. Of course you will still see her all the time. A different address and pay the support and when you move back in and she gets off of welfare they will drop the support payments or you can buck up and pay your bills like most of us hard working tax payers do.

  8. Most private plans have no maternity benefits, and they won't take on someone already pregnant.  

    So there isn't one, except the government plans that you don't want.  

    You're going to have to shop around for hospitals and see who will give you the best cash price, or even think about a birthing center and midwife (yes, they do prenatal care and testing!) and a possible home birth.  MUCH cheaper, and safer, than a hospital birth, anyway.

  9. Will there is one way but it would mean changing jobs and making a big career change. Enlist in the military and the baby and all is taken care of. Heck soldiers even qualify for WIC depending where they are stationed and what rank they are and all you pay for delivery is the food your wife eats at the hospital but it would mean signing up for four years. So either find a hospital you can start making payments to or join up. Good Luck to the three of ya'll.

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