
My wife is on her fourth day with chicken pox,?

by  |  earlier

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She has them pretty bad (chest, back, face/head covered with them and some coming out on her thighs, arms). Are more going to come out? When is the healing process supposed to begin? Also she just got her period. Can that make it worse? Thanks.




  1. New spots can appear for up to a week.  Then it should start clearing up.  From my recollection, around the 7th day or so, things start drying up.  Until then, try cool oatmeal or milk baths, hydrocortisone cream for the itching, and take Tylenol for the fever.  It's horrible in an adult.  If it gets unbearable, call your doctor.

    PS:  The fever is the most dangerous part.  If it won't come down, you need to go to an emergency room ASAP. Drink lots of fluids....and no...her period shouldn't make it worse.  It's just the course of the disease.

  2. Go see a doctor ASAP. Chicken pox are much more serious and dangerous to adults than to children.

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