
My wife just got deployment orders to Ft. lenardwood, as army reserves?

by  |  earlier

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what is some things we can do to make her non deployable? hmmm




  1. not much unless you get her pregnant.

  2. If she didn't want to deploy why did she join.  Ft. Lost in the woods is not a deployment.

  3. 1.  Get her pregnant.

    2.  Chop one of her arms off,

    3.  Make a film of her wearing a burka and a sucide bomber vest chanting "Death to America!!"

    Seriously, Fort Leonard Wood is not the best place in the world but its a heck of a lot better than Iraq.  Consider yourselves lucky.

  4. Ft.Leonard Wood!

    Let's see tell her just not to show up, go AWOL and after 30 days a deserter and dropped from rolls!

    Count your blessings that she's only going to Missouri and not Iraq!

    Did you serve?!

  5. you could join the army reserve and go with her.

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