
My wife might be pregnant?

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my wife might be pregnant. she hasn't had a period for 1 1/2 months what should we do? Taken 4 tests all came back negative.




  1. Call your doctor.

  2. I would suggest going to see your doctor and having them run a blood pregnancy test, a blood test is WAY more sensitive than a urine test, as the hormone hcg ( the hormone released into the womens body by the growing pregnancy) can be found much more quickly and in more concentrated amounts in the blood than in the urine! Best of luck to you both

  3. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor to get a blood test done which is more accurate. and also maybe if she was taking birth control pills or an injection that can make her period very irregular so she should go to the doctor so she wont be doubting it.

  4. since you guys took 4 tests and they all are negative I suggest you schedule a appoiment to the doc. I might something else or its may be just stress that is causing her not to have a period.Does she have any symptoms?

  5. She needs to call her doctor. Has she been under a lot of stress lately? It can cause her period to be late. Maybe her hormones are out of balance. Has she started new birth control lately? Best she get checked out by her doctor.

  6. She can definitely be pregnant and produce negative results.  She could have negative results most of her pregnancy even as her belly grows...she needs to go to her OB/GYN to make sure everything is alright- she may have a low pregnancy hormone level that the tests are not sensitive enough to register.  Many blessings!

  7. 4 negative test? Chances are she is not pregnant, because the body produces a hormone hcg that would trigger a positive result on a pregnancy test.  Chances are if she has not had a period in that long of a time it may have to do with stress.  I would probably have her go to the doctor and have a blood test done.

  8. Go see a doctor. Sometimes home pregnancy tests cannot read a pregnancy accurately-especially if it is early on. Also, you want to rule out the possibility of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube). That is why making an appointment for the doctor is the best thing to do. Even if she is not pregnant-you want to make sure everything is OK!

    Good Luck!

  9. Ask your wife if her period is irregular or regular, if irregular, it could be that shes not pregnant. GO and see her the doctor.

  10. doctor time!

  11. The doctor is the way to go

  12. There are a lot of other things that can cause missed periods besides pregnancy, but also there are certain situations/people that don't show a positive on a pregnancy test even after a couple months when they really are pregnant. Don't let the doctor brush it off. Make him/her find out WHY so you guys can stop worrying.

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