
My wife needs help!?

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my wife always makes fun of my sons friends mom cause they have smaller b***s and a smaller butt how do i tell her to stop?




  1. Tell her comments like that only point out her own insecurities and makes her look bad.  Would she like it if someone spoke that way about her?

  2. Tell her she's fat;...

  3. Tell your wife you love her b***s and butt.  She's just waiting for you to react, tread carefully!

  4. you must be really bored.

  5. Tell her that in 20 years she'll be wishing she had smaller

    b***s and a smaller butt.

  6. you just said it. stop.

    a lot of times girls pick on other girls because they are insecure about themselves.

  7. Tell her to grow up - she's not a teenager anymore (unless she still is).

  8. She might just be trying to get more complements from you. That's just her way of getting them. Low self esteem will do that to a woman. Just reassure her how hot you think she is and maybe her behavior will change.

  9. I think she is jealous.  Is she thinner than her?  She needs to grow up.

  10. Tell her to grow up. Wtf, how old is she? Or you could tell her to shut her trap because her *** and b***s are droopy and then you run like h**l. lol

  11. Oh my gosh....TOO FUNNY!  Tell her she's acting like a jerk and to stop making fun of others.  I wear a D bra but I would never think of making fun of another womans size.  That's immature.

  12. OMG how ridiculous

    she is jealous!!! tell her that

  13. tell her to knock it off, or just deal with it!

  14. tell her that she is an adult that she need to grow up and stop the childish ****! and respect others!

  15. Tell her shes being immature. Cuz thats exactly what she is.

  16. It sounds like shes insecure about herself for some reason, honestly.

  17. Drama Queen huh? She may be insecure of her own body.  But so what! she needs to grow up. She's poison to your son.

  18. I fail to see the real issue your wife cracks jokes on people who doesn't.

  19. Tell her to stop being so insecure. That she needs to show a better example for her son, and who cares if they have smaller anything. And to grow the h**l up!

  20. dont tell her to stop

    girls LOVE to compare themselves to other women and if she loves her body that much then deal with it!!

  21. you dont. you smack her asz & take her to the boom boom room. what's wrong with you?!

  22. stop

  23. You obviously know that what she is doing is not right, so just tell her to stop, you dont need anybody permission to do that.

  24. Well it really depends how serious she is. You are pretty woried, but ask her how serious she is and if she's being nasty, please help her understand it's very nasty to have an issue over another persons body shape.

    Women commenting on another womens body shape in a critical way it just buying into sexism and divisive tactics that masogany uses to inflict conflicting upsets on women.

    Please ask her to stop.

    even if it's funny, it is not good for the boy to hear it from her about his mum either. he will eventually tell her and she would /could  likely be angry or upset

  25. Does she do it to their faces? If she's just saying it to you, who cares? Do you have a crush on all your son's friends' moms or something? If not, don't feel the need to defend them. Women are catty creatures and like to compare themselves to other women. Be thankful your wife likes her body enough to say it's better than another woman's! That's rare!!

  26. If she is making fun of them, tell her to quit being jealous of them.  If she gets offended then you know she is really jealous and the more you tell her that, the sooner she will stop.

  27. Tell her that she needs to grow up and gain some self-confidence.    Who cares what this woman's b***s and butt look like.  If she wasn't insecure about herself she wouldn't be critical of others in an attempt to make herself look better.

  28. Why should you! Are u starting to find interest in them, or what? If I was your wife and you told me to stop I would question your reaction. It's not like she's openly ridiculing them right? As long as she's only sharing that humor with you it's not a big deal.  

  29. well Mark, you are a man, so keep it honest Joe....Are you looking at this woman not paying attention to the way you look at her? Men do look!  Maybe you hold the key to making your wife stop. Watch how you look at other women in front of your wife.  Afterall, your wife, if she knows you, know what you are attracted to.

  30. You wife suffers from a HORRIBLE INSECURITY.  Tell her that EVERY TIME she makes fun of your son's friend's mom, that she's just SCREAMING HER INSECURITY and making HERSELF. . . NOT the other mom. . . .LOOK AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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