
My wife or my Harley I chose the Harley?

by  |  earlier

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We had some friends over last night and one guy asked a questioned do you love your wife more than your Harley and I said h**l yea.

Wrong answer, my wife heard that and now I'm back on the couch.

I told her I said that to be cool you know I love you and she will not answer me.

I'm in the dog house again.

What can I really do that will change her attitude about this?

She always gets all upset over this bull c**p and frankly I'm getting tired of it.




  1. i hope you and the harley will be very happy together.  that was not only selfish, but juvenile.  it wasn't 'cool' or 'funny' but showed how childish you are.

    if i were your wife i'd let you have the harley and move on with my life.

  2. NNNOOOO! YOU DONT EVER SAY THAT TO YOUR WIFE OR ANY WOMAN FOR THAT MATTER! men really need to learn what to say or not to say to a woman

  3. Hahaha.

    That's awesome.

    Your Harley have a tight tailpipe to **** or something? ;)

  4. I don't see what's wrong with that as long as it was meant in a joking manner. Is she really uptight?

    The only way I'd be mad is if there was an ultimatum involved (get rid of the Harley or I leave). If the Harley was chosen THEN, I would be upset. :)

  5. You chose the bike, and you still have the you should be happy. Or maybe you were wrong???

  6. my husband has been married 6 times he told me that he gets a new harley when he divorces ,well i am going through a divorce now where is the new harley at|

  7. Was it a joke? I hope so, cause if it wasn't you're a really (really) lousy husband and you shouldn't be looking for sympathy or advice on here cause nobody is going to offer any.  

  8. A Harley over your wife?  That's ridiculous.  

    But a Porshe or Ferrari, that's a different story.


  10. sounds like a joke gone bad to me.  

  11. i think ur wife is insecure and needs reassurance. she needs to be fair and trusting partner, has she been hurt in the past?  

  12. You've a poor sense of humor if you thought that amusing, and if it's true then please leave your wife, because she deserves better...if you are trolling, find a new hobby.

    What can you do to change her attitude? Nothing. Change yours. If you stop talking "bull c**p" (your words), she won't have anything to get upset about...will she? It's not rocket science dear.

  13. Ride her like you ride your harley dude.LOL

  14. What can you do to change her mind and allow her to think that she's not married to a moronic ******?

    Simple: sell the stupid motorcycle and say goodbye to your idiot, macho friends.

    Better yet, give the thing away.

    And then start spending your free time thinking about how you might grow up and turn yourself into a real man.

  15. Man, I would be hurt also, the Harley can't satisfy you the way your wife can, if you know what mean, I suggest you do everything and anything you can to make this up to her, before you really will find out what a Harley can and can't do for you and your se* life.

    Sure, Harley's are great, but a woman and a Harley, even better!!!!!

    When I see a husband and a wife on a Harley, I think, wow, what a wonderful marriage they have!!!

    All that leather!!!!!!!

    A woman, a man, and a Harley, so se*y!!!!!!!!!

  16. Well you sound like an ****** to me. Do you wear the little g*y harley vests and chaps too?

    Ge  I wonder why your wife got her feeling hurt? She should be numb to you by now.

  17. WRONG you should have picked your WIFE not the motorcycle.  

  18. Hummm so for u it was more important to look "cool" infront of your friends then to not hurt your wife's feelings over a motorcycle..   pretty sad that ur capable of falling to peer pressure so easily.. wonder what happens when ur out with out ur wife and other women are involved, if its that easy for u to want to impress ur friends over something so trivial over ur wifes feelings..   just shows ur lack of maturity.. and although i understand to u it was a joke.. , obviously your wife felt it wasnt funny and saw how easy it is for you to toss her to the curb when she can be the butt of a joke, or when u need to look "cool" as u said to ur buddies..    

  19. bull c**p? please, you're getting what you deserve it seems. and you probably don't deserve her at all if that's how disrespectfully you treat her.

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