
My wife said it's okay if I want to lay down with another woman?

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She said since I won't lay down with her she thought it might help our relationship and calm me down.

What makes a wife really say things like that?




  1. Perhaps your wife wants you to want to lay down with her.  

  2. it will not help your relationship it will just make it harder for you. why wont you lay down with her? she wants you to be happy it sounds like to, i think she loves you enough that she wants you to be happy but you have a really good woman you need to solve your issues with her and not with other women

  3. Patti's right.Your wife is trying to find out if you are already laying down with another woman since you will not lay down with her.  

  4. I agree with Patti. It either has to be a test or she is diong the same thing with a man.. Although, I read in another one that she had once caught you having an affair when she held out on s*x, so maybe she knows you will do it anyways and wants to do anything she can to keep you. But, truley, its also a test. Shes testing you to see if you truley want just her or if you are looking for something more. Good luck!

  5. Or perhaps your wife is 'laying down' with your best friends, brother's, boss's  uncle and she wants you to 'lay down' with another women to soften the blow when she tells you the truth of her layin' ways.  

  6. What makes a wife says something like that?The devil.Tell your wife to read the King James Bible, and read all of the scriptures that God gave us concerning marriage, and also the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not committ adultery"  

  7. If she said  it's ok, go ahead.

  8. She may say stupid things like that, but I doubt she means it.  If you did, it would not help matters at all.  She'd just find new ways to blame you.

    What makes her say things like that? Well, let me tell you a secret, at times, not even women can understand themselves.  She's just not thinking right.

  9. What does "lay down with" mean? s*x?

    Well if you're really uptight, she could just be really frustrated. And she is frustrated that you won't "lay down" with her.  

  10. lol she does not mean it hopefully ... what kinda woman will allow that?? she must be seeing if  you would do it so she can get mad once you do it... its a trap don't do it... tell her you only want to cuddle her

  11. Anyone who would say such a thing, ESPECIALLY as some kind of immature juvenile drama queen "test," is a retarded sh*tbag with the emotional development of a 7th grader.

    But then who knows? You call it "laying down with a woman" so maybe you're a perfect match for her.

  12. You both are creepy


    You no it bro!! (hot oil)

  14. she must have no emotional feelings for you and of course she wouldn't want to have s*x with someone she has no emotional feeling for. because as you should know with women it's all about emotions. G/L

  15. She's looking for you to tell her that there is no way that you'd ever lay down with anyone else and that all you want is her.

    If she really wanted you to be with someone else, she would just divorce you and get it over and done with.

  16. Testing your loyalty or seeing how low you'll go to satisfy your own needs or maybe she's opening up the door so she can see other people too? BUT I don't know her or your situation.  

  17. No wife shall tolerate that her husband have relations with another woman and relations of s*x are totally prohibitted.

  18. That she does not care or maybe she is sleeping with someone else I will not let my husband do that

  19. She wants you to NOT do it.  You're being tested.

  20. uh Dude time to go get that little Georgia peach you met last week . Go for it Dude!

  21. It's a trap...don't do it!

    The only counter to such a carefully constructed female barrage of testing you is to say yes, but only if she'll help find the girl and partake in the activities with you. Then, YOU can test her fortitude as to how serious the invitation is...

    good luck and happy hunting,


  22. she wants to see if you will really lay down with another all because she wont lay down with you. why wont you lay down with her. sounds like you BOTH need to GROW UP and be committed to the MARRIAGE. can you say STD, can you say CHILD OUT OF WEDLOCK, can you say SELFISH. GodBless

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