
My wife says I fat and wants to leave me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My wife says she will leave me unless I lose weight and become buff. She gets hit on all the time and this body builder guy from her job always hangs at our house and all they do is rip on me and my man b***s.




  1. That's really mean that they are tearing you down like that.  She is supposed to be on your side, not against you.  I say get counseling.

  2. Maybe you should not let that guy hang at your house anymore.

  3. tell her to go f**k herself

    its your life, do what you want

  4. She doesnt deserve you!  I would do this......Work on yourself by eating better and working out but dont make it seem that you are doing it for her...because your are doing this for yourself.  Dont give her the time of day because she will probably think she got to you and that will give her satisfaction.  This will drive her nuts....guaranteed! Give her a dose of her own game!

  5. Smarten up...she's probably already sleeping with him and is looking for an excuse to kick you to the curb.

  6. if your wife is treating you like this, she isn't a very nice person, nor is she committed to your marriage.  While you might be overweight, do you really want to stay with someone that would treat you like that?

  7. people don't leave people they love because of weight. And if they do they sure as **** don't do it like that. If she is gonna leave you for this. If she is gonna slag you off to other people for this. let her leave.

  8. That is just an excuse from her; what ever happened to for better or for worse???? Good Luck

  9. Start by not letting this guy "hang" out at your house.  Then you need to do something about your self esteem.  Ask your wife if she is willing to help you do something about your weight instead of complaining about it.  See if she is willing to meet you half way with a program you can live with.  You could start by walking with her and then work your way up.  You don't have to be "buff", you have to continue to be "you".  You could be "buff" and then she could find another reason to leave get to the root of the problem and find out what is really going on.  If she isn't willing to meet you half way and help you lose weight then weight isn't the issue.....then something else is going on.  Offer to go to marriage counseling or whatever it takes if you really want to save your marriage!!!  Good luck!!!

    Peace & Love :)

  10. Well maybe this is her way out, maybe she is already unhappy and is making this her excuse to get out quick.

    Hey, hitting the gym never hurts anyone, but if she is telling you this from a superficial standpoint and not a health standpoint, then she isn't worth it.

    If she really cares, she wouldn't threaten you.

    Take her up on the offer.

    Tell her you are ready to change your habits be healthy (eating right) and working out. If she stands by you and supports you, maybe her heart is in the right place. But if not, if she just pressures you and teases you, then I think sir, it is time to lose her. (That is, after you get ripped and all the ladies are hitting on YOU!) :)

  11. wow thats the stupidest reason ever. your better than her so let her leave and find someone who wont make fun of your man b***s

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