
My wife thinks our daughter loves me more then her..How to fix that?

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Well my wife thinks my daughter loves me more then her because every time i come home she runs up to me and want to play. Ever morning i leave the house she gets sad. My daughter loves ot do things with me even though i am the one that punishes her as well. I tend to think ym daughter loves my wife just as much its more or less she is with my wife allot and my daughter only sees me for about 3 hours a day. How can i prove my daughter loves her just as much? Is it possible my daughter loves me more?




  1. I don't think your daughter loves you more than your wife or vice versa, but I do think that she may like you more because she doesn't get to see you that often. And maybe you can prove it to your wife with all of the responses you get here. I know how she must feel, and I hope she can understand that your daughter just likes to spend time with you because she isn't hanging out with you as much as she is her mom.

  2. well  i see u can just ignore ur wife cuz she is acting like a brat and maybee ur Daughter doesn't get to see u that often!

  3. you give a chance to your baby to miss  her mother for a little time.then you watch the baby's response and tell it to her mother or give a chance to show it.

  4. I use to feel that way about my husband and our baby. I had to spend more time with her on a fun level like the park and going on walks and stuff. Maybe she just needs some fun time with her instead of her mother job stuff she has to do.

  5. theres always the cool parents and the uncool parent.  it happens with everyone.  tell her to deal with it

  6. Girls tend to cling to their dads more than the moms at an early age, but the tables turn when they get older. I am dealing with this with my 3 year old girl too. The only problem is here dad lives out of state.

    You could always help her make mommy a card that says i love you or whisper for her to go hug mommy. Do little things like that and it should ease some of the pressure off of your wife.

  7. I was always clinging to my mom when I was little and I barely saw my dad, but now that I am older, I try to hug him as much, because I want him to know that he is special to me and I still love my mom too.

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