
My wife wants a challenge and I am giving her one, who thinks she'll chicken out?!?

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So my wife gave birth recently to a beautiful baby girl. She said after giving birth to 2 kids, there is nothing she can't do. I honestly want to see if she is right. I told her I'd give her a challenge and she says she is all up for it. At the end of the next month, I booked us to go to skydiving. She doesn't know it and won't find out until that day!!

Do you think think she will chicken out?! She's a pretty tough chick but I don't know about this one! If your husband took you skydiving, would you do it?

I am going to laugh so hard if she chickens out!




  1. i don't know why but i would do anything that my husband does, we're just connected that way.  but i'd never do it on my own or even joke about the idea.

  2. Well has she ever given birth to a baby over 10 pounds? Natural?

    Anyways...sounds like a lot of fun. I hope that she doesn't chicken out.

    You sound like you are a great husband, I have read some of your other answers.

    And yes, as scared as I would would be a h**l of a good time. I can only imagine me and my husband doing something like this. He is about as chicken as I am. I can totally see us up there, gripping each other but knowing that there would be only one chance to do it. would totally go into our scrap book.

  3. Yip i think she would do it just to prove what she said to you.

    No i wouldnt do it because ive got bad ears and could damage the ear drums by doing it and end up deaf so my fiancee wouldnt be silly enough to even try it

  4. it would depend on a couple of factor's first is she scared of hts if not then she  will proably like it . i would never do that to scared of hts


  6. I went skiing 7 weeks after having my son.  I had passed the six-week checkup.

    I tore my knee and have permanent damage.

    Doctor at the ER said a woman has a hormone that relaxes things so birth can happen.  This same hormone made my knee twist so far that even the paramedics said WTF.

    The hormone takes 6-12 months to leave your system.  Unless that much time has passed,  it may not really be a good idea for her to skydive.

    P.S.  Have you bought plenty of life insurance for you both?  Just in case?  Filled out a will?  Determined who will raise those kids if the plane crashes?  It does sometimes happen!

  7. Actually my husband just asked me about 2 weeks ago if i wanted to go skydiving a bunch of people he does work with was trying to get enough people to get a discount anyhow i really have always wanted to do it but i couldn't justify spending $500 on doing it. but yes i would do it

    hopefully she does it because its once in lifetime experience

  8. The only thing I'd do is make sure she's physically ready to do something like that.  Obviously you know what the physical and mental stress of birthing a child does to a so I'm sure you're already fully aware of how she's feeling and doing.  I think she'll totally do it if she's ready but I'd seriously make sure she's feeling up to it especially with the crazy schedule newborns are on.

  9. You sound like my hubby just always looking to have fun. If she is like me she will be scared to death but thrilled that you planned something fun and challenging to do together. I would so do it.. (after I pee my pants of course)

  10. I've popped out 2 and i'm about to pop out the third and I don't know if I would have the guts to do that lol. My husband calls me a wuss anyways. I'm terrified of heights and I always make the joke why jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I think the only way you'll know is once she gets up there. Thinking about myself.. lol I would probably chicken out. I'll admit i'm a wuss. You'll have to let us know how that goes.  

  11. I hope she won't.  I hope ya'll have the time of your lives doing this, too.

    Sounds like she's up for anything.

  12. you're funny, hey never underestimate the power of a woman, especially one who has given birth to kids.I have never given birth, and b/c i have a huge fear of heights i can never go skydiving, but if ur wife is as tough as u claim, then i think that u have ur hands tied w/this one.GL to you!

  13. I've had 3 kids, the first one with no drugs (not my choice). I would never jump out of a plane. That's too d**n scary!

  14. If she isnt scared of height she will do prove you wrong

    But if she is, she definately won't...Because i wouldnt!!!!

  15. I would not like it but I would do it. She will not chicken out.  

  16. I sure as h**l wouldn't chicken out, I want to go - it is my husband who is the big chicken on this one! If she does chicken out - contact me and we will go together and our spouses can hang out in the coop together.

  17. i would p**s my pants but do it just because you challenged me you seem like a cool husband thats awesome

  18. I'd def be up for it!

  19. If you she is the best mother in the world.. she will chicken out. You don't ask the mother of your children to jump out of a plane!..I hope she chicken's out and then leaves your butt for being stupid!

  20. I call you kind of guys irresponsible smart asses.There is no humor in this.

  21. what about you. will you chicken out?

    I am not married nor do I have children but I would not like this kind of challenge myself  - i am very afraid of heights and of falling - just like I would not be able to climb mountains - I do not understand risking your life to climb - that is a totally different person who would do that _ I don't understand it. I would not want to parachute - no not nice to do to someone unless you think she might like to try it

  22. man she has to have sum BIG *** ballz to throw herself out of a plane.. lol if my man told me lets do that i would smak him in his head! hellla na and you know what im down for anything bt skydiving -NO lol *** that.. i think she thnks if she can handle the PAIN of givin birth she can do n e thing bt skydiving isnt painful its just scary! lol you should make a bet bc i dont think that she will lol  

  23. Dude..  define "recently".  You're not going to take advantage of her hormonal overload are you?  I hope she does it just so she'll get the last laugh :)   Have fun!!   Oh, and maybe six months after giving birth I would, just because it takes that long to feel "normal" again.

  24. first of all you have to commend her for giving birth VAGINALLY to a child!!!  it is the closest to death as a woman can get.  just think about your a*shole being stretched out big enough to give birth to a baby... wouldn't that hurt?  ok i know our vaginas are a little different then a*sholes, but some women's vaginas rip to their a*sholes when they give birth.  after some sh*t like that, wouldn't you feel like you could do anything?  lol...  congratulations on the new baby!

    the woman is going to do it because this is a straight out challenge from her man that thinks she will chicken out.  she'll probably be grateful, because who hasn't wanted to skydive once in their life?  I hope you guys have fun!!!      

  25. Sounds like a fun challenge but depending on how recently her delivery was, please make sure you have checked with her doctor first.  If she has a low hemoglobin (common after giving birth) then the altitude may affect her more than normal.

    Sounds like you two know how to have fun together :)  That's nice.

  26. That is something I always wanted to do!! I hope she does it and has a blast.

  27. LOL thats a big one,  idont know how i would feel..honestly I'm so scared of heights. She might do it, since you said she is up for it and she is a tough chick. But you never know, skydiving is achallenge. Its a tough call.

    If my hubby took me out for skydiving i would not do it, i just dont like heights.

  28. Sounds scary and fun. YIKES

    I think she will chicken out when she thinks of the children.  If something went wrong that would be AWFUL!!!  Then again maybe she won't have time to think about consequences. MAAAAN you could have gave her a little time to prepare herself.  

    Have you thought about all that can go wrong?

  29. NICE!! I hope she does it!!

  30. Are you on drugs or just nuts for thinking about her jumping out of a plane.  So she will more than liking do it so you will have to watch her.  But think about it she just had a baby and has another at home too.  What if something happens who is going to be there to take care of them? She is already proved she is a tough chick and she does not have a boring husband either.  It is sweet of you think about doing that but wait till the kids are older. Find something a little less dangerous for now.

  31. i think so

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