
My wife wants me to stop wearing panties and pantyhose. I've tried and i keep going back. what should i do?

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Sherri O.

I wish i could explainn it. Its just something that i enjoy doing and feel guilty about all at the same time. email me and we can discuss further.




  1. Stop torturing yourself ... just wear pantyhose under your pants.  no one will know.   If you want to wear with shorts/bermudas, wear skin tone coloured ones.  

  2. i would like to know why you like doing that?my ex-husband wouldnt tell me.

  3. Well, you just enjoy wearing pantyhose. There is really nothing wrong with that at all and there is no need whatsoever to feel guilty about it. However, when I see the many reactions to men wearing pantyhose it would seem as if it is the biggest crime a man can possibly commit and the worst thing to do. It appears to be considered worse than for example being an alcoholic, drug addict or being big time into domestic violence. That at least is the impression I get.

    There is of course the double standards issue as well. It is totally accepted for a woman to wear men’s clothes, and in fact women have integrated these fully into their wardrobe, but the other way round, that is still the biggest sin on earth.

    Has your wife told you why she wants you to stop wearing them? It might be because she thinks you have g*y or bi tendencies, or are not interested in her anymore, there might be a lot of reasons. And there are a lot of misconceptions about it. Talking about it, if possible might help. Does she know that there are many totally straight  men wearing pantyhose and pantyhose for men being marketed these days? They are not very recommendable though, but that is my personal opinion. As a pantyhose wearer I know it is virtually impossible to stop wearing them. And why should you? They are far too great. And you are not inflicting harm to anybody, nor to yourself, as with a lot of other “addictions” and habits. I wish you good luck.

    Apart from that I think pantyhose should be fully accepted as a unisex item of clothing.

  4. w...wha??!?



    well, whatever floats your boat, i suppose...

    just tell her why you like them so much, and if she loves you, she should understand....

  5. Let your wife put on the pantyhose...and let her show off her legs.

  6. Bill,

    Let me ask you this... can you answer a few questions so that you can discuss this with your wife?

    1. What got you started wearing female clothes?

    2. Do you question your sexuality? (she does)

    3. how do you feel when wearing the clothes? Content, happy, aroused, submissive, empowered?

    And now recognize that she will have questions.

    1. are you g*y?

    2. If you are wearing panties and she's with you does that make her g*y?

    3. How does SHE keep this a secret? How will this embarrass her?

    here's your homework (my suggestion). You need to answer these questions and be able to sit down and talk with her honestly about this. There is possibly a compromise that you can work out. Get the book: My Husband Betty. Read it with your wife. Introduce her to TRIESS and URnotalone. Or have her find support groups for wives of crossdressers such as:

    You might also wish to seek couple therapy with a therapist who is understanding of gender issues.

    good luck.


  7. Seek professional help as fast as possible.

  8. Just let her know that you love her and that in no way are you interested in being with someone else and that you are straight.  Odds are she needs to be assured that you are still her husband and not looking for a s*x change operation or are g*y.  Just reassure her and think about how you would react if he started wearing your stuff around the house.  Show some empathy and let her know how much you love her.

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