
My wifes brother is...?

by  |  earlier

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her brother was here when I got home and he cant stand me and I cant stand him but I was talking and being decent to him but then my wife left the room and he started telling me to start being a decent father and husband but with him one thing leads to another and he started to p**s me off so I told him to shut up and he didnt so I hit him but not hard because I didnt want to really hurt him I just wanted to get him to shut up so he pushed me into the wall so being the kind of guy I am I didnt back down to him so by the time my wife came in I had him on the floor so of corse she thought I started it "for no reason" so she is pissed and dont believe me when I try to tell her what really happened so how do I get her to believe me? any other time I wouldnt care but she is pissed so was I wrong for not backing away and letting him win?




  1. No it is YOUR House and he  needs to respect you.

    HOWEVER,the fact that he would tell you to start being a decent husband and father, and your wife reacting as she does tells me either your wife and brother in law are loony,OR you have some problems you need to face up to and deal with IF you want to stay married and IF you want your family to stay intact son.

    I do not know either of you,your brother in law may just be a trouble maker or he may be concerned for his sister.

    YOU KNOW the truth about all this,and if the fault is on your end then it takes a man to admit when he is wrong and to make some changes.If it is your brother in law ,you wait until your wife calms down, you tell her what happened and explain to her that he is not welcome in your home until he can apologize and treat you with respect.Tell her,the next time you will just call the cops and have him arrested.Then, if she wants to take his side, she is welcome to pack her things and leave with him.That is IF,he is just a punk trouble maker.

  2. you need to sit him down and tell him that you need respect as his brother in law.  

  3. She is angry that you hit him. Rightfully so as it was the wrong thing to do. The way your wife see's it is that you must have started it because you were the one who hit him, not the other way around. Come to think of it, if I were you wife and had walked in to find that you had hit my brother then I would probably feel the way she does too. Give her some time. If she asks you, tell her the story again and apologize for doing the wrong thing. Thats about all you can do.

  4. well being the smart you dont hit your wifes brother now serioulsy now u should apolgize and say you had been drinking or somthing and u dont no how it happened and u and him r great friends and um yeah

  5. Dude, buy some punctuation!  Talk about a run-on sentence!

  6. Your not my type.

  7. Why couldn't you just tell her brother that you are a good husband and he does not have to worry about anything because you both want what is best for her and things like that. To me they must know something about you that made him tell you things like that and if you are good to his sister then you wouldn't mind saying that you are good to her, If i were your wife i would leave you for good because if you love your wife you wouldn't ever do that to her brother that is just looking out for her. You were wrong to take the step that you did, and count your lucky stars if she is weak enough to take you back with out the apology to her brother. You see you needed to look at what was being said and not take offense to what he was saying, all you needed to do was reassure him that you would always be a good husband.  

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