At the beginning of summer my boyfriend and I bought a 100 dollar Air conditioner for your window at a whole sale liquidator. We leave it run all day all night. We basically never turn it off, we keep it in the bedroom. Its a smaller unit. Now all of a sudden we wake up to this crackling noise that sounds so loud and crazy its like omg shut it off, and you can see water spitting out from the vent air area. Then my boyfriend gets up pulls it out the window and then turns it upsidedown and all this water comes out. Bascially draining it. Then he puts it back in the window and everything is fine no noise. Sometimes it starts back up right away in a half hour, and sometimes its fine for a couple of days. It always happens in the middle of the night or early morning, it runs fine during the day, but just has to do it when we are sleeping. Im 33 weeks pregnant and I tell my boyfriend it is preparing us for those late night wake ups for the baby ha ha... But seriously.. What is wrong with this POS! its getting so frustrating because sometimes my boyfriend doesnt want to get up and dump the water anymore, and i can't sleep without the white noise and air. I dont remember it making the crackling noises when we got it, but i do remember a week or two later i heard them, but they were very very little and not an annoyance. thanks.!