
My wireless internet is sooooo slow on my laptop, how can I fix that?? I am computer ignorant!

by  |  earlier

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I have a Dell inspiron 1525 (I think that was the number) and I never use it because for some reason our wireless internet is EXTREMELY SLOW , I mean, slower than dial-up back in the day!! Anyways, on our desktop above where the router is, it is very quick. How can I fix this? Pelase give as much details as possible, I am soooo computer illiterate. Thanks!!




  1. maybe your router is to small for where your trying to use your computer. you need to get a better one if can't it get from far away from your computer. and maybe its not your internet it could be the computer itself do you have enough memory in it. and maybe you have a virus or maybe you need to deleted your tempy inter files, or cookies there could be alot of things that would be slowing down your internet

  2. The reason could be:

    1. You are too far from the access point.

    2. You need to update your driver on of your wireless LAN card.

    3. You may need to "RESET" your wireless router. To reset it, it is found the the back of your wireless router labeled "RESET". Just push it for about 30 secs. to reset the router.

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