
My wisdom teeth are coming out... I'm SO scared.?

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So within the last week, I've had terrible pain, and I went to the dentist. I was only supposed to get one wisdom tooth (I have my dads teeth, he has one and a few years ago they weren't on an x-ray. My two older sisters only had one, and that one didn't come out...) Anyways, the dentist did an x-ray and we found out I have all 4. Which is even worse. To get to the point, I have to get them out (all of them) and I'm so so so afraid of needles. I'm not even worried about the pain, just the needles, and the pain the needle's give to me. And does it hurt bad after the surgery?

A lot of my friends got infections afterwards.

So this is happening in September, and I was just wondering what your experience was like and what are some good questions to ask the oral surgeon?

Do you think that if I asked them to put me under they would?

I'm SO terrified of this procedure.

3 teeth are under the gum--i heard they have to put you out if its under the gum, true?




  1. Your fears are very common and it's okay. Just know that it's 2008 and things are so much better now. Yes they will put you under if you would like. Most people who get all four wisdom teeth out do that. It's very simple to do. Only thing is that is is expensive and not all dental insurances will cover it. But it is worth it to have a good experience. I got all 4 of mine out on a friday and was back at work on Mon like nothing happened. I didn't even get put under. (then again, I am a dental assistant and I actually wanted to watch them do it while I held a hand mirror..). Anyway, just relax. These people are experts and do this every single day, many times a day. You'll be fine!! Hope this helps :)

  2. Less than a month ago I had four wisdom teeth out (this is in Australia). My surgery was done in a private hospital under GA, which is standard for my surgeon. Whether they put you under GA depends on the position of the teeth and whether they are taking them all at once (like they did with me) or one at a time.

    When you meet with the oral surgeon he/she will walk you through the procedure. Most likely, you will be put under GA.

    In my case, numbing cream was applied to the back of my hands upon admission. About an hour later (just before the surgery) an IV was inserted. If the numbing cream does its job, you shouldn't feel the IV go in. Having said that, not every hospital uses the cream, so ask your surgeon or the hospital so you know what to expect. The numbing cream wasn't left on long enough for me, so I did feel the IV and it isn't very painful, more uncomfortable for a second while they put it in, so don't worry if your hospital doesn't use it.

    I was then put under, which once again, you shouldn't feel.

    Next thing I knew, I was in recovery.

    Local anesthetic is injected while you are still under GA, so you don't have anything to fear, you won't see or feel the needle.

    I didn't get an infection, and the swelling was minimal. It's a bit of a shock when you first see yourself, but after about a week you feel 100%. To avoid infection, make sure that you follow your surgeons instructions to the letter; take all of your antibiotics as prescribed. I was also advised to rinse my mouth with lukewarm salty water 4-6 times a day after 24 hours have passed (any earlier and you risk disturbing a blood clot).

    I didn't find the surgery at all painful, I only took the painkillers for 2 days and found that I didn't need them. You feel a bit sorry for yourself for the first 24 hours, it is very strange not being able to feel your own mouth (due to the local anesthetic)-this will wear off after a few hours. I had a little bit of trouble with bleeding, but this is easily fixed by biting on gauze. My older brother also had four wisdom teeth out on the same day and didn't have bleeding problems, so it's different for everyone.

    As for questions for your surgeon, ask how long he expects the surgery to take (approximately) and if he will use GA. For someone as nervous as yourself, I am quite sure GA would be arranged if it is not standard. Expect to be at the hospital for several hours if you have GA.

    Most importantly, DON'T WORRY!!!

    This surgery is nowhere near as painful or horrible as everyone says!

    Good luck and relax.

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