
My wisdom teeth were removed now I need advice!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm seventeen and just had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed. My whole left side of my face is swollen like a watermelon and is tender to the touch. I've been icing, and taking my medication like ibuprofen 800 and vikaden. What should I do?




  1. You just have to kind of deal with it. Ice helps a little but you're still going to look like a chipmunk for at least a week. Just rest and try not to think about it too much. I'm just glad I had mine out over the summer.

    Do like I do and milk it for all its worth haha, I had one too many milkshakes that week.

  2. take whatever the dentist gave you.  after that, try putting tea bags inside your mouth/between your teeth.  sounds weird but it helps to extract fluids and reduce swelling and therefore pain.  i would get regular lipton tea bags.  anyway, apart from that, if i were you i would sleep as much as possible until it's over - that's what i did!  and don't forget to clean those holes back there with that squirtey thingee the dentist gave you - that's very important to stop infection.  if it keeps up being swollen and painful for more than a couple of days, you might want to go back and have the dentist check on it.

  3. Well in a way your lucky!

    I had 2 of mine removed along with others..

    This was prep for an op to have my jawbone broken n moved forward..

    The swelling was a lot more intense than when i had teeth out!

    Lived off liquids for 6 wks n had my teeth tied together!

    You'll be fine!!

  4. It's gonna be a few weeks honey. If it makes you feel better, my dad just had all of his bottom teeth pulled because he's getting dentures! Any how get some rest and drink a lot of fluidss. You'll be better before you know it.

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