
My wisdom tooth is chipping and turning black, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My bottom left wisdom tooth is chipping away ever so slightly and it looks black in the middle. I won't be able to make it to the dentist for at least six more weeks. What can I do now to try to stop the tooth from chipping further and to help it not become infected?




  1. You might be just fine to wait six weeks for this problem, then again, you may not.  Third molar infections, especially in the mandible can lead to serious, even life-threatening infections if left untreated.  If you tooth is "chipping" that probably indicates that there is substantial destruction of the tooth's crown.  You very likely already have the start of an infection at the end of the tooth roots.

    Even if you wait six weeks, you'll still need a consultation with an OMFS in order to make an appointment for extractions.  Get to your dentist ASAP.  Best of luck!

  2. go to the dentist!!!

  3. I wouldn't think there is anything you can do until your visit. Wait it out. Hopefully it isn't painful like mine are! YIKES!

  4. Okay, you have a cavity in your wisdom tooth. I'm guessing that it's growing in sideways. That's whats happening with mine right now. It's because food is stuck back there and it is difficult to clean back there (especially when it's lodged in between the teeth all day and you can't get it out...eww). If that's the case, it is likely that the adjacent tooth also has a cavity. Again, that's the situation I'm in. 4 cavities all because the wisdom teeth didn't come out sooner. Call your dentist and ask for their best recommendation of a local oral surgeon. Then call them and ask for a consultation for wisdom tooth removal. If you don't have a full x-ray, they will do it for you (insurance may cover it, call your provider if you have one and ask). Then they can schedule you for an appointment to have it removed. If it is coming in sideways, your dentist may not be able to do the procedure and will refer you to an oral surgeon anyway. The best way to find out is to call your dentist and ask their opinion. Explain your situation.

    I went to the dentist last week, they referred me to an oral surgeon. I had my consultation on Wednesday, and I'm getting my two bottom wisdom teeth removed today (Friday).

    The tooth is already infected. There's nothing you can do to prevent the chipping. If you can't make it to the dentist or surgeon soon, make sure you brush back there often and rinse with Listerine or mouthwash to prevent infection of the adjacent tooth. My opinion is that you should get your tooth taken out asap. They may want to take out all 4. It's the surgeons call. Personally, I'm getting 2 out today, and 2 out next year because my dental insurance covers $1000/year. Just an idea for saving money...because it's pretty pricy to get done.

    Hope this helps! :)

  5. Infections in your teeth can cause death if left to fester. this is a Russian roulettee you're playing with your mouth. trust me I know. I've had PLENTY of problems. Just make it to the dentist. If you have insurance, it costs about twenty bucks to pull a tooth.

  6. Sound like it's already infected. I hope that you can get to the dentist before 6 weeks. You don't want infection to spread or anything.

    I went through the same thing my wisdom tooth chipped I kept putting it off because I was working alot. And when I did finally go  the tooth chipped so much that he had to cut into my gum line and dig out the rest.

    So please get there asap. or give the dentist a call maybe he can give you antibiotics in the mean time to fight off infection until you can get the procedure done. Good Luck

  7. go to the dentist. sometimes local dentists do free wisdom teeth removal to test new meds.

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