
My wisdom tooth on one side is coming through and the pain is unbearable.......?

by  |  earlier

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the pain from my wisdom tooth that is coming through is really painful, i cant eat on it and i can hardly eat on the other side either. it feels like its growing into my cheek and i am pretty sure from feeling around, that ive no room for the whole thing to grow. would the dentist take it out at this stage (being about 3rd of the way out)? also i have a terrible sore throat and was wondering if it could be the tooth?




  1. Take ibuprofen and paracetamol.

    If was actually "unbearable" you wouldn't be able to ask question on Yahoo about now would you? Slight exaggeration I think.

  2. your sore throat will be related to your wisdom tooth, try two paracetamol and then two hours later take two ibuprofen then two hours later 2 more paracetamol and so forth but you really need to get to your dentist, I think you will find this is the best pain relief

  3. AWW, I remember what that was like.  It takes awhile for your wisdom teeth to come in.  They will hurt because they are trying to push through your gum and then it will quit and you think it is finally done and then it will start hurting again.  Somethimes there is not room in your mouth and they will move your other teeth.  xox  

  4. get over it, people go through much more,

  5. go to the doctors,dentist,hospital they should provide you with strong pain killers

  6. Just had my second taken out... go to the dentist he'll pull it out the relief is well worth it, you'll be pleased you went, mine was only just showing through when my dentist took mine out.. good luck

  7. You really need to make an appointment fast with your dentist..she/he will be able to help you.  Sometimes people are referred to have their wisdom teeth taken out at the hospital because it is so far at the back and yes occassionaly sore throats are linked, but only your dentist can advise you.  

    Wishing you all the best x

  8. its rubbish i know-i had all 4 of mine removed last year, get some corsodol, take some painkillers and go see your dentist for some more advice and to answer your questions. if its a 3rd of the way out chances are its fine and he wont remove it-i had mine removed as they couldnt even come through x

  9. book an appointment with the dentist, wisdom teeth are better out than in.

    I should know, I've got 2. But I've learned to live with them, they will need to come out eventually.

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