
My work phone cord is always tangled up any answers to fix that. It needs to stretch though?

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My work phone cord is always tangled up any answers to fix that. It needs to stretch though?




  1. You can get a little clip on gadget to stop it tangling. I've had one for years and its very effective. It costs only pence - in fact I got mine as a freebie, can't remember where though. Maybe at an exhibition, or with a magazine.

    It consists of a connector which can swivel 360 degrees. The phone cord plugs in one end and the other end plugs into the handset.

    Now you know such things exist, just google phone untanglers and you will find plenty.

  2. Make it a habit to untangle your phone cord after using it.

    You may also corsider to change that corded phone with a cordless phone.

  3. here is something that most people don't know, but that doesn't happen to left handed people. why? because they answer the phone with their right hand and hold it to their ear then replace it the same way they picked it up. right handed people almost always twist the phone around. check this out and see if i am not correct. btw, i am a lefty and that is how i found out. my phone is never twisted but my secretarys aomost always is.

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