
My working hours for Target are small?

by Guest63705  |  earlier

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What gives, i was just given a part time position with Target and well, i first start working for them this Sunday July 27th, and i only work for 4 hours, then i work for them again Tuesday for like another 4 hours. and thats it for the rest of the week and thats only 8 hours!

Then the next week ill work sunday, wednesday, and thursday and the hours add up to about only 14 all together for that week.

Is it because im going to be in training, is that why they are giving me such a small amount of hours. because i specifically said during the interview that im willing to work as many hours as offered to work part time which should range from 25-30 hours a week.

so is it because im just starting off working? Do u think ill get more hours after the 2nd week of working there?




  1. Ask your supervisor.  The better you are, usually the more hours you get.  That means if you are always available and always on time, and do your job with enthusiasm.

  2. Welcome to the world of retail where you will never get enough hours or be paid enough money in order to survive.  It's possible that those hours are the only hours that they can give you at this point, with the first two days being in training.  They may want to start you out during some times that tend to be slower, then give you more hours once you have a better handle on this.  However, I would ask the person in charge of scheduling about this and be firm that you MUST work X amount of hours each week in order to make ends meet.

  3. welcome to retail

    you will never get hours

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