
My workplace is untidy & disorganised. How can I ensure it's kept clean & neat?

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My boss is aggrevated that our work area is messy. There is no system or rules to follow. I need a plan to keep our area tidy & organised? Any tips?




  1. Oh I know the feeling. I'm an extremely messy person myself, and my supervisor is constantly on my back about it. The thing is, it's organized clutter. I know where everything is :-P.

    One thing I've been doing recently to get a tidier workplace is to utilize whatever storage I have in a more effective manner. I've bought a bunch of cat litter trays and I have placed these on my shelves as storage boxes (they're cheaper than tote trays). They're the right size for A4 documents, bits and pieces, magazines, stationery and all the other things teachers accumulate... and they come in many bright colours, which I use to colour code it all (eg, red for stationery, purple for curriculum resources, etc). Having a place for everything, rather than just dumping it straight on the shelf, has made a huge difference.

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