
My writing issue:I suck. But i have a such an original idea! Ugh! Anyone else share my problem?

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Well, i guess suck is kind of harsh. I tend to be very harsh on my self sometimes.

Anyway, I have an idea that i don't think anyone has written about before, and i have characters all planned out in my head, The plot, the twists, everything! Its just, when i try to put it down on paper...i just can't seem to get it right!

Does anyone else share this issue? And what i should do about it?

It just seems like such a good idea (for children's literature, its very whimsical) to go to waste...but i'm not going to share it because everyone keeps saying that it will get stolen or whatever (i don't really believe that, but i'm not gonna take any chances i guess). So yeah, any suggestions?




  1. I'll have to take your word that it's completely original, but I'm willing to bet that if you do some research into children's literature you'll find something very similar has been done before.

    Make an outline, then compose a first draft. Go back and tweak it as necessary until it sounds good. You'll do fine.

  2. Andie:

    Practice! Practice! Practice!

    I don't mean to be cold but good ideas are a dime a dozen. You have to know grammar, spelling, etc., or an editor will glance at your work and toss it in the trash. They have hundreds of manuscripts to read and a poorly written one will be discarded.

    Perhaps you should find a co-author.

    Try the school at the link. It's great and affordable. The instructors are published writers not frustrated teachers.

    Seriously - there is just no substitute for writing every day.

    By the way, the school is done by correspondence or PC so you don't have to leave home.

    Good luck! You'll do it if you really want to.

    Thanks to LRWG I have finished six good short stories and four chapters of a novel. I never thought I would finish one! I really surprised myself.

    You are succeeding!

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