
My x wont give me my dog?

by  |  earlier

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she bought it for me 4 years ago, since then i have been taking great care of him, now I want to leave and she is using him to keep me here.

I love my dog, she has never even fed or walked him, I do every day.




  1. Who's name are on the vet bills and account? Yours? Then just pack the dog up and leave. Wait til she leaves one day if you have to. When you go make sure you swing by your vet's office to get a copy of your records just in case she tries calling the cops/animal control

  2. Are you married or simply live-ins?  Either way this could get messy, I would think the best thing to do we be put in a call to the local P.D. and see what their stance is on this.  If it is her house and she paid for your dog it could end up being theft to leave with him.

    First call P.D. and then decide how to handle it, you may even need to go to court about this.  

  3. That's actually a pretty $hitty situation!! Sorry dude.

    I would fight for her for the dog, she bought it for you...get some evidence together that you really care for the dog. Is the dog licensed? If not, go get him registered in your name.

  4. maybe she actually loves it as much as you, and wants it for herself... its hard to lose 2 things you love at the same time :)

  5. You need to talk to a lawyer.  Try asking Len Tillem, of KGO Radio fame, at his website.  Try  He's a lawyer and will answer a question for free.  Good luck!

  6. Shes probably doing that so u won't leave.

  7. I was in the same exact situation. My ex bought me a dog and I left him... we ended up in court, but I won custody of the dog since he texted people and said "I bought Coly a dog".. so the dog was a gift. Also, the vet records and such were in my name.

    If I were you, I'd take the dog and peace out. If you go to court, you go to court.. just make sure you have a lawyer.. but if she bought you the dog and you are the caregiver and payer of vet bills, it shouldn't be a problem at all.  

  8. Ouch.

    You probably need to start by being up front and clear with your ex. Explain how you see the situation, that the dog was a gift and therefore yours. Let her know that you have the means and desire to do the best by the dog (if you don't then you really shouldn't take it). Hopefully she will see you are right and let you take the dog. Perhaps you could give her visiting rights to help sweeten the deal.

    If she doesn't, you may need to play the legal card... If the dog is microchipped in her name then legally it is hers, unfortunately there is not much you can do. If it is microchipped under your name it is yours. If it is not microchipped then you will need to prove that you have been the main caregiver - do you have vet accounts? proof that the dog was a gift? pet food/toys/bedding receipts? I would then firstly explain this to your ex and give her the chance to back down before you take it to the courts.

    Good luck, i hope that the dog ends up in the best place.

  9. take him and just up and leave, take all the paper work so u don't leave her any thing so she can try to get him back.

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