
My xbox 360 broke. is there any fixes?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing guitar hero 3, and the xbox 360 turned off by itself, i looked down at it, and around the power button it was red. and it won't stop blinking now. PLEASEEEEEE HELP MEEE!!!! is there any fixes? btw, if you need to look at pictures, go on photobucket and type in "broken xbox 360" thanks soo much if you answer this.




  1. Call 1-800-4MY-Xbox. The numbers are in the books that come with your 360. Microsoft will fix it and ship it for free! this happened to me and i had it back in about 3 weeks.

  2. Sounds like you have the red ring of death. I know microsoft was fixing that for free but I dont know if they are anymore. Your best bet would be to call xbox customer support. (1-800-4MY-XBOX) They will be able to send you a box to ship it out to get it fixed. I know we had it happen to us and they did it for free but that was when they were fixing them for free. We just had to send our other one for repairs and it only cost $50. What you need to do is wheel and deal. They will keep bringing the price down more and more if you put up a big enough stink. I hope this helped.

  3. The red means (Ring of  Death) the xbox is  broken . go to this website and it will tell you more info then go back to where you bought your xbox 360 ok

  4. You need to go to a shop that repair electronic. Also, why waste money for that, try playstation 3, its the best of all.

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