
My xbox-360 concern?

by  |  earlier

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hey, ive had my x-box 360 since last christmas and its been perfect. ive had this problem however that started 2 days ago. when i turned my x-box 360 on it said the disc was unreadable, which is strange because i only play this game, and it hasnt left the x-box in literaly months. so when i restarted my x-box it read fine. but now whenever i turn my x-box on it starts to read the disc and it makes a beep noise, then its like it restarts itself and runs the game. is this something that is correctable by me or is this a problem i should let microsoft know about? thanks.




  1. well If you didnt try taking your x-box to a different t.v and if that dosent work then try putting a different game in then put that game back in.

  2. Check the disc for laser burn (looks like a line going all the way around the disc) If it has laser burn, the disk is screwed. Otherwise, its a hardware problem. Sometimes while playing GTA4 my 360 makes a clicking noise and says disk unreadable but only like once a month or so.

  3. MIne did that as well, two days later it wouldnt read anything, It would say, "insert dvd" even if it was a game disc....thank god for warranty!

  4. it really sucks calling microsoft cuz its like a 2 month process for them to fix anything, so do what you can on your own and try another disk until worst comes to worst
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