
My xbox 360 elite just froze?

by  |  earlier

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while i was playing madden 09 and there are no scratches on the disc should i be worried, its an elite and i bought it in feburay 2008 so its like 6 months old and has the falcon chip, will i get the rrod?




  1. omg i bought it at febuary too

    uhh no you shouldnt be worried just turn it off and wait 30 mins  

  2. Probably. They designed it for the PS3, so the PS3 has no problems whatsoever playing it. However, the X-box has slightly inferior specs and has a real hard time running games that are pushing it's limits. Man, I am so glad I bought a PS3. Not to mention that I can play madden all I want online for free. I don't have to worry about paying a yearly subscription fee just to play games with my friends.


    That is not true at all.  The PS3 has worse, weaker and generally rubbish games.  What you say about games being ported to 360's is also mostly untrue.  Its the other way round infact!  Its online is dire (because no one wants to buy Ps3s) and therefore it isn't up to scratch with the 360 in anyway other than specs, which explains its extortionate price!

    Now, to answer your question, no I would not be worried.  All things freeze once and a while - just give it 1 hour cool down and it should be fine.  If it happens many times again then I would be worried!  But until then, your fine

  3. Probably.  They designed it for the PS3, so the PS3 has no problems whatsoever playing it.  However, the X-box has slightly inferior specs and has a real hard time running games that are pushing it's limits.  Man, I am so glad I bought a PS3.  Not to mention that I can play madden all I want online for free.  I don't have to worry about paying a yearly subscription fee just to play games with my friends.

  4. Only the CPU is new on the Falcon. The GPU is the same old Xbox 360 and even though there is another heatsink added you still get Falcons overheating. 10% will get the RROD at some point.

    If it keeps happening just send back to MS and get a new one. It's all free.

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