
My xbox 360 has got the red ring of death! please help!?

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I have had my xbox 360 for forteen months now and i have just got the red ring of death on the xbox 360 and now the xbox 360 does not turn on, every time i press the on button the xbox 360 just shows the red ring of death and nothing else happens and nothing even shows on the TV. I kind of know that my xbox 360 is done for, but i cannot afford a new one as i am just a student and can bearly pay my bus fares, can someone please help me, what do i do next i have heard that microsoft have some three year garantee if this is true how do i get a new xbox 360 or at least get my one repaired,

Thanks in advance




  1. Microsoft extended their warranty on the RROD, which is 3 flashing red lights, to 3 years from manufacture. You need to check to make sure you are within the 3 year warranty.

    The next step is to call them via, 1-800-4MYXBOX(1-800-4699269.) Then follow the instructions to get to a representative. They will fill out the information for your box. If you are out of the 3-year warranty then you WILL have to pay a fee to Xbox if you want them to "fix it". Now if you are within warranty, after some time you will get a "coffin" that you put your dead Xbox into and follow the instructions that it came with. They will most likely send you a refurbished console after approx. 2-5 weeks. Before you send make sure to write down and save the reference # they gave you on the phone and the serial # of the broken Xbox. Also when you get the coffin, the UPS tracking #'s so you can track the coffin on its way to Texas. They pay shipping and handling. Thank you and I hope all works out well.

  2. This is the category for Yahoo! 360 profile pages not the Xbox 360 game unit. You might want to either post this question in the Games & Recreation category, in order to get some informative answers, or visit this site:

  3. I think they extended the 6 month warranty to a one year, not three years. But you can send it in for repair which is probably cheaper than buying a new one...


    call 1-800-4-MY-XBOX

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