
My xbox 360 wont let me get acheivements....????

by  |  earlier

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I bought a second hand hard drive off ebay. seems to work fine but my marble blast ultra game, a mini arcade game from the xbox live martketplace will not let me get acheivements. it says that they are 'locked'... any clues anybody?




  1. Did you just download a demo version?

  2. whats the point having an xbox then lol

  3. Achievements have nothing to do with the HDD.  You can play your 360 without a hard drive and still get achievements as they are saved onto your gamertag and console.

    Some achievements for Marble Blast Ultra were previously locked and you had to spend ActionPoints to unlock content and also the achievements.

    Try looking at this achievements site and seeing if you can do any of the easy ones -

    It looks like your first achievement should be : "Timely Marble" which consists of you completing any level of your choice under par time.


    Some achievements however take a while to get.  I know I once got the achievement for completing Expert on Guitar Hero 2, but it didn't give me it straight away.  I had to wait a day (turning my console on and off about 7 times in between) for it to recognise I had the achievement and gave it to me.

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