
My xbox has unplayable disc error please help?

by  |  earlier

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OK so i was playing my xbox after a week of not using it. Then i turned it off to plug in my ipod i plugged it in turned it it goes buzz buzz beeeeep then errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr then says unplayable disc! all games do this. I am hoping someone will thell me a way to fix it without opening it or a cheap way to get a new one or get this one fixed. O and no i wont send it to ms those b******s are stealing are money so lol PLEASE HELP




  1. Sounds like your drive is bad. Which means you can either send it to microsoft for free if youve had it for less then a year, or a 100 bucks and theyll fix it. Or you can go on youtube and they have some videos on how to replace the drive. THen you just have to buy a new drive.

  2. sounds like your drive is about to die.  There are a few ways to try to rectify this.  You can open your 360 and open the drive and adjust the POT of the laser.  What helps me is I went out and bought a can of compressed air at raidoshack for like 3 bucks.  And I shoot some compressed air into the drive knocking any dust and whatnot from the drive out.  That actually helps a great deal.  I have had my 360 since launch day and never had to go out to buy a new 360.  Good luck

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