
My xbox is not powering up, shows two solid red lights?

by  |  earlier

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My xbox 360 is not powering up, it shows two solid red lights. They are the two lights that are at the top when the xbox is standing up. They are not the two lights that indicate that it is overheating. I want to know what could be causing this? I was told that it could be something with the cd drive but I am not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. it's called the ring of death.  it happens to a lot of xboxs but with the newer models this is supposed to have been fixed .  and i can't imagine why this would scratch your disc as the cd drive doesn't spin up as the system is basically dead.  

    you can get it fixed by a professional or look on craigslist and on ebay they have do it yourself manuals although they might be a little advanced.

    good luck.

  2. If it's 2 SOLID red lights, not flashing then it won't be overheating. If flashing lights then this website has the error codes;

    Otherwise might be a malfunction on the plug-in board with the lights on it. You can swap this out with another xbox to test but will need to take all the plastic covering off to get to it.

    Also try the console reset option on the link above.

  3. I highly recommend you get it fixed for as cheap as possible and sell it.

    Whats causing it is the actual processor of the Xbox 360 itself,  They rushed that product into store's and had to withdraw over 500.000 xbox 360's worldwide due to them overheating just the way your saying...

    Seriously, Sell the xbox 360 or every 5-8 months your gonna have to pay for repairs...

    It also scratchs your discs aswell.

    I hope this helped :)


  4. 2 lights ALWAYS means overheating.  Let it sit a few hours, and put it on a good surface when you use it, like Oak.

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