
My xbox will only play the opening scenes of Fable. How can i fix this?

by  |  earlier

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I place the game into the XBOX and I wait for it to load. It plays the opening scene and then the screen goes blank. After about 2-3 seconds it replays the opening scene again.




  1. Either the games supposed to play the movie like that or the games scratched or broke if i were you i would go to the store u got it from and ask a worker there about it. If he says its not supposed to go like that return it. If you can't return it sell it to some idiot or to eb games. E B games will take it because they don't put the game in a consul so therefore they won't know if it works or not you'll probably get around only 8 bucks but its better then a broken game. U could probably chip in that money to buy a new copy  

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