
My yahoo 360 won't show up here please help?

by Guest61846  |  earlier

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Okay I have a yahoo 360 account and I added photos and selected one as the primary and when I come to yahoo answers to edit my page and use that photo, nothing for yahoo 360 shows up in my profile. I can't fine anywhere in edit my profile to make it show up. I only have the option to use no avatar or one of those custom made cartoon ones. There is no option to show my yahoo 360 anywhere.

How do I change this?

I looked in past questions abotu this and evryone says to go to yahoo 360 and edit the sharing section but I don't see that anywhere on there.

how can I get my yahoo 360 photo to show up in my yahoo answers account so I can use it?




  1. UPDATE3: Congratulations. Your 360 image is showing up on Y/A. Perhaps there was something missing in the steps taken or it just took time as mentioned before.

    UPDATE2: Thanks for the link, I see now. That's great, but for some reason the usual instruction isn't working and usually that has to do with the Yahoo account used. Like I said, some people can't get this to work. Although, you can put that link to your 360 in the "About Me" section of your Y/A profile, with a space following it.

    As for your 360 image, you can either wait, and hope that this problem of not having Y!360 features in your Y/A profile is a momentary glitch. You can certainly contact Y/A on the forum as I previously mentioned. OR you can create a new Yahoo account, and activate the Y!360 space and use the Y/A service for that new account to see if that will improve your situation. Set up a completely new account by logging out of all Yahoo services, going to any Yahoo sign-in page and clicking "Sign Up" on the lower right side ( , is preferred).

    This is all the advice that I have for you, besides maybe trying to set up the new account on a computer besides the one hooked up to your home's Internet set up.


    UPDATE1: Are you using an "adult" Yahoo account? Are you sure that you are using Yahoo! 360 and not the Yahoo! Members Profile (it sounds like you are, but that is a key step that people skip)?

    Usually, if Yahoo recognizes an non-adult user (i.e. under age 18, which I know you're not), it will restrict the features pertaining to 360. This restriction is based on the birth date provided to Yahoo upon the creation of the Yahoo account, which can't be changed for security reasons. If your account is a family account, sub account, or connected to other underage accounts in some way, you may need to log out completely and create a totally separate Yahoo account to use.

    Lastly, if you block e-mail and/or IM in your Y/A profile then it limits the ability to provide more help when you have additional information about the situation.


    First an explanation: Your Y/A profile has two features related to Y!360. One is the ability to show a Y!360 personal profile image as your picture on Y/A. The other is the ability to show a link that leads to your 360 space. One feature has nothing to do with the other feature's function though. Since you asked about the Y!360 picture, that's what I'll address in this answer.


    Double-check that you are using the correct services and have followed all the instructions below. If this is done correctly, we should not see your Yahoo! Avatar on Y/A (as we do right now):

    Create a 360 space at . While logged into a yahoo service (mail, answers, whatever), type in your web browser's address field (or just type 360 in a Yahoo! toolbar). Click "Get Started" button on the far right section of that page. NOTE: Like Yahoo! Answers, users should be age 13 and up to use Y!360.

    After that, you can log in by by clicking on the teeny tiny "Sign-in" button on the upper left of the page. Then, the page refreshes and click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of the page to get into the 360 space.

    Make sure a JPEG formatted photo (with .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe extension) under 5MB is saved to your hard drive.

    - Click your "My Page" link at the top

    - Click "Edit Profile Photos" over the empty picture frame

    - Click "Browse" and upload photo into an empty field. Then click one "use as primary" radio button on the right before saving (if you've uploaded more than one image).

    You can't upload more than 4 profile pictures (this includes an avatar). Make sure that you are following the 360 Personal Photo guidelines here: .

    Then, come back to Yahoo! Answers.

    - Make sure that it is the same Yahoo ID that you used for 360.

    - Click the "My Profile" link to the upper right of this Yahoo! Answers page, then click "Edit My Info" in the top left box on the Answers profile page.

    - Scroll down to the image section and check the option of showing the 360 picture. Click Preview and then the OK button. Then, WAIT.

    NOTE: The image may not show up right away in Y/A, as it sometimes take days (and for some weeks) for the system to catch up. So, in the meantime, you will be without any picture on Y/A (a gray unisex icon) or an old 360 image. Just go through the above process and let your picture stay that way until the system makes your 360 image appear. If you don't want to wait, then just use a Yahoo! Avatar ( ) and forget about using the 360 image.

    Also, some people never see an image show up. You can always post a bug report (or piggyback on other's bug reports) on the issue at the Y/A forum: . This link between Y/A and Y!360 has been buggy for years.

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