
My yard is infested with black widow spiders. How do I kill them all? Are there pesticides for spiders?

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I found five of them in one night alone, and still more after that. I want a method more effective, and less scary for me, than stomping on them individually.




  1. Spiders do not like lavender. I had spiders in and outside my home. I bought the lavender plug-ins for the house and I planted the lavender plants in my gardens. They can't stand the smell. My home has been free of spiders for the last 8 months.

  2. I moved to Oklahoma about 2 years ago from Georgia. The house we bought was new but had been unoccupied for months. There were several spiders in the house and outside property. What I did was to go down to Lowes and get a couple of things. first a battery operated sprayer I think Bayer makes it and it has the pesticide already in it to kill the spiders I would get 2. Then i got a mixture for outdoors to put in a hand operated pump sprayer, you mix the stuff with water, and I went around the perimeter of my house with it, and at the same time I used the battery operated on spider I saw and nooks and crannies for more of a direct attack, both indoor and out. I also bought some of the outdoor stuff you put on the lawn with a supposed to be good for a year and you have to water it in. This seemed to help me take back the yard and house from the spider, including black widows, and other insects. I now have an exterminator come to keep up with it now but I keep the battery operated spider killing spray around just incase I see any. Also when using any of this keep the pets and children away and safe until its dry. I hope this helps, and the spider killing stuff comes in a blue bottle its big...the mixture comes in a red bottle.

  3. leave the property. they were there before u were born

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