
My yearbook picture looks terrible! What can I do about it?

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My yearbook picture looks so bad, and I am not exaggerating I mean I look totally different now and in the picture I looked so bad, I am embarrassed now for people to see it and its really worrying me about what people are going to say about it... I know they will have to notice how different I look. The picture is from two years ago, they did not even put the correct photo in the book, but I still feel so bad that people is actually going to see me looking at my worst. It is terrible and the yearbooks are already distributed and almost every student got one. I am worried that guys will look at it and say things like "wow if this is what she looks like I sure don't want to date her" I am really stressing out over this can someone give me some suggestions on how to handle this? I am not ugly and I know it, but that picture makes me look so ugly I want to cry and trust me I am not overreacting or anything I just look so different now and I don't want anyone to see that picture but its already there for the whole school to see. I really hope that no one looks at it, but I'm sure they will. This has really ruined my week and I have worried about it all week, everyone else looks fine in their pictures except me. Please give me some advice on what to say or do when someone notices this awful picture




  1. i have a bad picture every year :D they are taken at the beginning of the year and pretty much everyone looks different at the end. you are not alone, so many other people have this problem. you are also your own worst critc, some people might actually think you look great. If they were really your friend, they would know that you dont look like you do in your picture. its in the past, he likes you for how you look now. at my school we crack open our yearbooks and laugh at eachothers pictures, you just have to go with it. you cant change it so just learn to laugh along. its only a picture.

  2. everyones yearbook pic looks bad for the most part no one even cares dont worry to much no one will even rember or notice.

  3. why are you worrying  if you look great...everyone takes bad pictures

    get over it ....what is done is done, besides people dont date pictures they date real people...dont be so shallow...know you look great and laugh it off  

  4. Heh, take a look to the left at my profile picture. If you looked like that, you would be so lucky. I have people falling all over me and that is by far not the best picture of me. LOL

    On a serious note, don't worry so much about what other people think of how an old picture makes you look.

    Every one has the same problem. If someone teases you just ask to see their Dr. Lic photo, that will always shut them up.


  5. well, i know exactly how you feel. honestly. in my picture i have a bad awkard smile, my curly hair is uncombed and in a pony tail (this was a last minute attempt to make my hair look better), and my eyes are watery.

    so when people notice this, either

    A. joke about. be like "ohhh my lord, can you believe how constapated i look??" or maybe like "HAH and i thought that i could pull of The Stupid Look"  (although i'm sure your's isn't that bad...)

    B. be honest. say, "listen, insert friends name here, i was having a really bad day. please don't make fun of me, no matter how wierd i look." hey, maybe even lie. say something like "i had an upset tummy earlier. i was SICK."

    i'm so sorry you have a bad picture =( no one deserves that humilation

  6. if i was you i really would not stress about it a similar situation happend to me i had a horrible picture so i got a re take but they put the old picture in and not the new one!  and if your really that concerned take it to your yearbook committee or principal and maybe they can help you cope with the situation.

  7. A lot of people on here will probably come up with all sorts of crazy ideas about trying not to let it bother you and just learning to live with the occasional bad photo that most people probably won't even notice.

    DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. This sort of thing is too important for that. Your only realistic option is to hunt down each and every copy of that yearbook by whatever means necessary and have a ritual burning of the whole lot. Then find a picture of yourself you like and distribute it to every person whose yearbook you destroyed. They'll probably even ask for your autograph!

  8. go home photoshop it and give it to the person in charge of the yearbook committee. if picture is already in the book then oh well. who really cares what people think? i don't and neither should you.  

  9. u cant do anything i kno how u feel they put a really embarrassing pic in the yearbook and the pics are taken in the beginning of the year so we all look really different when the yearbooks are out


  10. dont be all shy about it. and plus everyone sees you how you are now not the past so trust me that wont change the way people think of you theyll be like woah thats insane you look so much better now and thats all that matters. its not like your gonna transform back to the way you are in the picture or anything hahaha and about your guy friend he should like you for the way you are now so whatever id just shrug it off if i was you and also everyone looks sucky in thir year book pic anyways

  11. There's such things as retakes silly!

    As far as that.. there is nothing to do about it.

    You can go down to the principal office, or the year book commitee and ask them to put in a different picture? But I think you're just going to have to learn how to deal with it darling!


  12. i had that dilema last year.

    not much you can do about it.

    just dont let what people think get too you.

    its not worth it.

    my drivers license picture is horrible

    i had braces in lastyears pic

    trust me theres other ppl that have the same problem

  13. can i say retakes

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