
My yearling has a swollen/stiff front tendon, what can I do besides call the vet?

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I noticed yesterday that her front one tendon was swollen and she was limping on it so i soaked her foot in cold water twice yesterday and twice today, last night i put some absorbine on it and then gave her some aspirin and i've been keeping her in her stall so she doesn't run on it. The swelling went down tremendously today, but sometimes she limps on it when i walk her and sometimes she doesnt. I also used rio vista cooling gel on it today too, and have been giving her aspirins. I don't want to call the vet because I know they'll just tell me something similar to do. Is there any thing that anyone knows that will make the healing process go faster? I have a production show with her on monday and she needs to trot :[ help me.




  1. cold hose it for about 15 minutes (its long i know, but maybe you can jam out to an ipod or something) then try wrapping it. don't wrap unless youknow how to though or you could cause more damage. I would call the vet in another 3-4 days if its not improving. tendon injuries are serious

  2. Uh, how about you put your horse's health before your little show? What good is a production show going to do anyone if she has a severe injury that won't heal properly laming her permanently because you didn't feel like calling a vet?

    Most horses that are lame older in life is because of stuff like this. Owners who know the horse is hurt but don't want to call a vet and by the time the vet is finally called it's too late.

    BTW, this is called neglect because you are denying your horse medical attention by a certified veterinarian.

  3. You should have the vet examine it asap...a bowed tendon is a very serious injury and you can do considerable damage by not treating it properly up front.

  4. Ice, medication for inflamation, Poultice, and rest.  

    Antiphlogistine Medicated Poultice is a good product.

    Rest is best.

  5. i for first wouldn't get your hopes up about the production show, i would keep soaking her foot in cold water twice a day and add some epson salt to it (u can buy it at a supermarket or even a hardware store) and at nite i would maybe try wrapping her tendon with a icepack on the inside of the wrap we did that for my horse when it lame at a week long show, and i got him to be able to show 1 day of the whole week and it was a jumping class but also we didnt' give him any bute otherwise he might have been better. but i hope this helps and i wish you good luck :]

  6. I'm not sure what to do as to the medical and healing, but I would really recommend holding off on the production show. If she isn't completely healed, it would just be mean to show her. It would be unfair to your yearling and yourself to show her while she is injured. Let her take some time to heal and show her when she is completely better.

  7. I would still call your vet. You never know they might have a different idea of what to do to help her. You said you are putting linament on it?

  8. I would definitely make sure your horse is sound before entering her in any show - not only will it be worthless, because if she's limping she won't be able to win, but it could be dangerous to her.

    It is a good idea to hose her leg for 10 - 15 minutes, twice a day.

    Rubbing it with rubbing alcohol or Bigleoil helps to relax the muscles and relieve swelling.

    We always wrap our horses, and you can buy wraps at any tack shop. As a substitute for wraps, you should at least wrap the tendon with a polo so that you are offering her leg support. You should do this to both front legs, so that the pressure is even.

    I would use Bute as an aspirin, it works well on the horses at our barn.

    Lastly, hand walk her for at least ten minutes each day. She needs to get out, even if she is badly limping - it won't do her any good to stand still and let her tendon get stiff.

    I would definitely call the vet, and unless she has stopped limping by Saturday, I don't think the show is a good idea.

    I hope this helps!

  9. Keep icing it, and don't exercise her too much. Wrap it in Vetrap. It might not be a great idea to trot her by Monday.

  10. i think you will have time i would call your vet to see what they say or ask around

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