
My yorkie puppy just finished her first period?

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so my yorkie puppy is 10 months old and just finished her first period...we plan on having her spayed but were waiting for her to grow a little more since she only weighs 3 pounds...but i just noticed that her nipples were a little bigger than usual...what does that mean?




  1. It is normal, and don't wait for her second heat before spaying her

    just call your vet and let him decide on the right time

    3 lbs, sounds like a real cutie pie

    and the b***s will go down, this is normal for females to do this.

  2. Not much and nothing to worry about. this is usualy after a season. The nipples will go down but just keep an eye on her for phantom pregnancy which can happen even when they have mated and can be very distressing on the dog. Wait for a few more weeks and get her spayed...don't leave it...better for puppy and better for you.

  3. This is very normal.

    I understand your concern about waiting but getting her done at 10 months is perfectly fine.

    Some vets will do a spay surgery on cats or dogs as young as 8 weeks old. I'm sure you can only imagine how tiny this guys are.

    Waiting until a dog is older actually puts them at a higher risk of getting things like ovarian cancer and pyometra.  

  4. Coming out of her first heat, this is normal. She may also go back into heat in the next week. It isn't unusual. Most vets do recommend you wait for your pet to reach at least 5 lbs before fixing.  

  5. wait for her to grow it would hurt her if you had her spaded and if you do spade her it will be ok for a day but after you cant carry her or it will hurt her

  6. they will go back down its just from her haveing her heat cycle

  7. its just her maturing.  the 2nd heat it'll get bigger and start to loose hari raound her nipples to start being ready to have a litter.    

  8. That is normal , it is her hormones working. Just ask your vet when you should have her spayed. He will know when is the best time. good for you , you will get her spayed.  

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