
My young female cat pees in my parents bed? ?

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My young female cat recently started peeing in my parents bed pretty often. Its only 1 year and 1/2 years old. It is spayed. Peed in my bed once though and my brothers bed once too. Otherwise it uses the litterbox. We have 2 cats and 2 litterboxes. The female cat came 2nd, so I don't think she is marking territory. I also don't think she has UTI because she is young and very active.





  1. This peeing in beds may be the result of her stating that she's not happy with the way that person has treated her. She sounds healthy and active.  Cats DO have attitudes.  My neighbor's cat peed all over her stepmother's suitcase full of clothes, after the lady purposely shoved her down off her lap.  The cat, otherwise well-behaved, showed her displeasure by peeing her luggage full.  Wish you luck in finding the reason!

  2. I don't have any personal experience with cats not using their litterboxes, but I've read that cats typically stop using their litterbox when they are stressed or feel threatened by something.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that females do not mark their territory like males with urine so have there been any changes in your cat's daily life? Any new people or new things?  

  3. I would take her to the vet to have a checkup just incase. Cats have unique urinary systems which are designed to conserve water and deal with diets high in protein. They are also prone to kidney issues because of this. In fact nearly all cats that live long enough die of kidney failure. I doubt your cat has this but she may have nerve or muscle, or hormone issues which are making her incontinent and the vet will be able to determine this.

    If there is nothing wrong with her physically, then she is doing this either because she is discontent with the litter box for some reason, or she feels threatened, OR she is repeating a learned behavior. For example, a lets say you have a young cat or kitten who is up on a bed and has to pee, or can't get out of the room and so pees on the bed. The cat will very often associate the bed with an ok place to pee after an incident like this. Also, if the scent of their urine is on something, they are more likely to pee on it again. You can use something like "Nature's Miracle cat odor removal" to break down the chemicals she can still detect

    If it is a psychological issue, this is what I'd do.

    1. If you catch the cat about to do this, make a disapproving sound, pick the cat up, and put her in her litter box and then pet her and speak nicely to her to make her get the idea that that's the place to do it.

    2. Give her extra special attention so she does not feel threatened. When cats pee on something because they feel threatend, it's their way of securing their "property" or importance in the house.

    3. Buy some phermones, or orange scented stuff at the petstore or vet to put where she pee's on the bed, or wash the area with "Nature's Miracle" I recommend trying the latter first.

    4. Make sure her litter box is clean at all times, and that she always has a way to get to it.

    As for territory, it doesn't matter if she's the newbie of the house. Cats will occasionally challenge the territorial claim of other cats.

  4. ur cat probably needs a diaper, hehehe

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