
My younger brother copies everything I do?

by Guest62709  |  earlier

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He's done it since we were little. I think it used to be out of admiration, but now I think he's just a bit jealous of me.

I can't have a favorite TV show without him catching me watching it, therefore he makes it HIS favorite show, claiming that I copied HIM.

I can't get something he doesn't get (ipod, cellphone) without him getting one, too.

For instance, on his birthday, he got a Wii, (He's eleven. Kids love that shizz.) on my birthday, I got an iPod. He claims this to be unfair, and pesters my mom to get him one. We're a little short on money, but that means nothing to him. Within 2 weeks, he has one, too, to sit next to his fabulous Wii.

I'm getting a new phone for Christmas. He begs my mother to tell him what it is, and now he's getting said phone as well.

This whole thing would be cute, but along with that, he claims that he hates me, and tells his friends lies about me to embarrass me.

My parents don't believe me. They always believe him. He's the 'golden child' of our family. He realizes this, and tells my parents things I never did to get me in trouble.

What can I do?




  1. i really dont think theres anything you can do.

    my brothers the same way xP

    ever since he was like 8 (now he's 10) he's been bugging my mom

    for a cell phone. i didnt get one till i was 11! also my brother ALWAYS

    annoys me, and doesnt stop till i yell at him, then he fake crys and

    i get introuble. he can even call me fat (im really skinny) without getting in trouble cause my mom's always says 'well he IS skinnier than you ..'

    sorry im getting a little carried away. but the point im trying to make

    is all brothers are supposed to be annoying. just wait till he grows

    out of it.

    at least you're not alone . .  :D  

  2. My daughter use to run and tell me her brother hit her and I would spank him for hitting her.  They are 5 years apart in age and I thought he was to big to be hitting her.

    He never hit her, she told me he did to get him in trouble.  One day he really did hit her hard.  He decided if he was going to be punished for hitting her when he didn't he might as well hit her and take his punishment for really doing it.

    This time she did not run and tell on him.  She never ran to me again telling me that he hit her.  

    So when he tells you he hates you, don't retaliate by telling him you hate him.  You tell

    him "that's OK I I love you and I have enough love for myself for the both of us."  He will soon quite telling you that he hates you.

    As for your parents giving him everything he wants, that is not good for him.  He will go through life expecting to always get what he wants.  Feel sorry for him, pity him but don't be envious of him for your parents are not doing him any favorite.

    You need to set your parents down and tell them just what I told you.  They have done wrong by him but it's not to late to correct the damage.  Good luck!

  3. sorry but u sound like ur a little girl. who cares about him copieng u. just mind ur on life. tell him that he is acting like a little kid...

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