
My younger brother has complete control over me, I need help?

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Im 16 almost 17, my brother is 13 almost 14.

Alright so my brother just came home about half an hour ago and comes in my room and starts yelling "Wheres my shirt, You took my shirt" because he thinks I took his shirt and flipping out. He started freshman football today and got a pair of shorts and a shirt. He showed it to me and I only saw one shirt and he is insisting he has two and I took one. So he took my headphones that I just bought yesterday ($30) and he said he was going to rip them and ran into the other room. I got them back with some effort but that woke up my mom. She was yelling at me and I explained my situation and all she had to say was stuff like this "You need to grow, up, trouble maker, you need to leave, your jealous of your brother." Even after I explained she is still mad at me. He does this kind of stuff all the time and I am getting pissed off because its making me look bad. btw my dad is no help he sides with my brother as well, he is always drunk though




  1. Tell your mother she is raising a convict,he just hasn't got there yet.The first time he acts that way towards someone who is NOT his brother, he is going to either get hurt,killed or go to prison because he cannot control himself and she will have HERSELF to thank for the wonderful job of parenting she has done so far.If she insists on blaming you, tell her ,again it is due to YOUR poor parenting mother dear.Tell your brother the next time he pulls a stunt like that, a shirt will not be the only thing he will have to worry about, because it is hard to play foot ball with your helmet up you @.

  2. thats exactly how me and my little sister are.

    my parents are always taking her side.

    and it sucks. it really does.

    but you just have to learn to accept it.

    if hes not going to change

    then just ignore him and stay away from him when he acts like that.

    just close your door and turn up the music.

    thats what i do haha =]



    i hope everything turns out okay.

  3. Tell your parents that it's not fair that they're constantly taking his side with no proof, because it really isn't.  

  4. Tell your parents when its not a stiution or a problam at that time and when he's not around. Or lock your dor and keep him out and if that dont work, punch him!

  5. I dont know if this is much help but why don't you actually just take stuff of your brothers? If he already accuses you of it why don't you just make  it true.

    Anways your 17, soon you'll either be able to move out of go to college

    Then you can disown your whole family

  6. Is all I can really suggest to you is while your living in your moms house is to buy a safe to keep all of your things in.

  7. I am sorry to hear that.  I would try to ignore your brother and if you can lock your bedroom door.  Is there any one in your family at all that will listen to you and aunt or uncle maybe?  You could talk to some one els in you family.


  9. kick the **** out of hima nd tell him if he tells on you your gonna beat him up even more, it works all the time a few dozen dead legs do the trick for me...... o and when he gets bruises on his thighs u can say it was from football!

  10. Whew!  If your Mom won't listen to you and your Dad is always drunk, then you need the help of a trusted older adult like an Uncle or Aunt or the school guidance counselor to help mediate between you and your family.  Personally, if I had a kid brother like that I would keep my door locked and keep my distance from him or ignore him when he starts displaying bad behavior.  He has some anger control issues and it is too bad you aren't getting any support from your family.  I would only respond to your kid brother when he is acting appropriately and try to be extra nice to him to show him that you love him, but when he starts displaying bad behavior ignore him.  Kind of use reverse psychology on him.  Catch him being good instead of bad.  I hope this helps. I know it must be tough.

  11. I'm sorry about the trouble you have with what seems to me to be with all of your family.  I read the post that you wrote and immediately said to myself, "Hey this sounds familiar"  It does.  My boys are 18 and 13.  They both are almost the same size.  The younger one is a bully with his older brother and I am to blame for most of it.  You see, we parents are silly and even stupid sometimes.  We think that just because the youngest one is the last one we will have..we just baby them too much.  It really is for us more than the child.  So remember when your parents are saying things to you like they do...they are only saying it because your little brother is driving them crazy and they feel somehow that if you ignore him...then all is quiet.  You see, parents don't usually care about what is fair....Most of us care about what is quiet.  so you see, we are really not all that great as parents.  I am sorry that your dad is drunk because I feel that isn't being a good role model but oh well...I reckon you will grown up and be a good person.  In fact, I know you will.  You writing shows it.  Just remember that you are almost 17 and preparing to be out on your own.  You don't have to put up with the silliness for much longer and actually, if you think about it,  you are going to miss all those times when you and your brother used to fight all the time.  Your brother is soooo wrong about threatening to break your stuff.  That is exactly what my youngest does to his older brother.  It is just plain wrong.  I think you both should sit and talk and think about this....soon you both will be grown and gone from the house.  You both will wish for the "good ol days when you used to fight"  ya know?  I miss my brothers and sister being at home.  It has been many years since we were together and once you all move out and have your own family...those days are gone forever and all you have is memories.  I hope your brother stops being so mean, but don't count on it cause my boys haven't stopped fighting.  I could never kick one of my kids out of my house.  I love them too much.  I try to be the same with both of them but sometimes the meanest one commands the most attention.  Remember that.  Parents just want quiet.  They don't care how to get it.  Oh, and just make sure you don't go into your brother's room and he doesn't go into yours.  That should keep some of the problems down.  But also remember this:  Every time  your brother does or says something that makes you angry...think..."Will this really matter 5 yrs from now?"  If you think ahead and see in your mind the great life you are going to have and your own apartment or house and everything you will get for yourself with a good education....then you can look at that little thing and realize that if you were in your adult good life...this little thing wouldn't really matter.  right?  Oh yeah, and your brother gets a rise out of you when you get upset with him when he threatens to do don't give him the pleasure and I bet he will stop cause he doesn't get you all upset.  Just a thought.  Take care and good luck with your brother.  Someday you  brothers will be like best friends and can look back and laugh on now.

  12. I don't want to sound unsympathetic, but I agree with what your mom said about you needing to grow up. Yes the situation you described would be frustrating for anybody to have to live through. But your brother can't control you unless you give him that power.

  13. lol well punch him in the face!

  14. Tell her that you would LOVE to leave, but the LAW prevents you from doing so and that as soon as you are 18, you are gone and she NEVER has to deal with you and your "trouble making" again.

  15. talk to your brother. DO NOT let him know that he had power over you. just say that you think your relationship could be better. if you guys get along and he's on your side then the alliance will get rid of any tension involving your mother. speaking of her... she thinks your jealous? well, don't take her seriously. my mom says things like this to me concerning my younger sister but she doesn't believe them... she used to be the horrible older sister so she acts like i am too though she knows i'm not.  

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