
My youngest is turning 3 and it's making me sad . . . any suggestions?

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My youngest is turning 3 next week, and I am having strong feelings of sadness. She no longer wants to be cuddled for comfort. She doesn't have ANY seperation anxiety, if fact she seems to LONG for time away from me. She won't let me sing to her anymore, and she acts embarased if I "mommy" her in front of other kids. I never expected this to happen so soon! Anyhow, the coming of her 3 birthday seems to be marking the end of "babiness" and I am having trouble being happy about it . . . any suggestions? I'm proud of her independance but sad at the same time.

Is this a hormone thing? Is my body just wanting another baby or something?




  1. OMG!!  I am going through the exact same thing, however, my daughter is 5 and starting kindergarten in three weeks.  I am trying to work it out myself, so I don't have an answer for you, i can just empathize, and tell you that you are not alone.  For me, it feels like a death,  death of a phase, death of the innocent babyhood. I am grieving like someone has died.  I am even seeing a counselor now  (although I don't think it is helping much) because this has been going on ALL SUMMER!  There seem to be "ghosts" of my daughter everywhere I go.  The only thing I can tell you is to pray about it, it seems to help me.  Enjoy EVERY moment your daughter wants to be around you.  The clock is ticking.   Maybe you do want another baby, but I think you want YOUR BABY to be a baby again!  It is a beautiful, precious time in your life, and not easily passed over.  GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. im sorry. i do know how you feel. my oldest is 14 and my little ones just turned 3. i dont want anymore kids...but......

    it is sad. they are passing out of babyness. you arent alone on that one.

  3. yeah your on to something with the hormones, but  

    I can totally relate to the anxiety or sadness over thinking of babiness ending

    o i have four- 9,6,3,1

    i think they are just seeking a little independence, we have been telling them they were big kids ever since we tried to potty train them, they just want to feel like a big kid.

    Don't be in complete dis-pare, once she feels she has established freedom (choosing a snack, going to bathroom alone,etc)  she will come back to mommy for a story, cuddle, and a nap.  but it does end all too soon.

  4. i know....i cried at dd1's 1st b*day and then a few months ago i cried out of the blue b/c i realized she would be 2 soon (she turned 2 last thursday...and of course, i cried)

  5. No, it's not a hormone thing and it's not your body wanting another baby.  

    You have to look at this from a different perspective to really understand why you feel this way.  The daughter you knew and loved is no more.  She is gone.  Now you have this new child with a different personality.

    Yeah, it's the same kid, you know that, but everything about her is different.  You obviously love this 'new' child, but you really miss the 'old' one too.

    It's normal, and I wish I could say that it's going to get easier, but it really isn't.  My children are now 5 and (almost) 8, and it's has not gotten any easier.

    Packing up clothes that no longer fit my children is when it really gets to me.

  6. Wow, I wish I could take a little of your daughters independence and put it in my almost 8 year old.  He is having horrible separation anxiety about going to school again this year & being away from me.  I do know what you mean though.  I have said before that I wish I could make my kids any age that I wanted for a day or so.  I told my 20 year old son that I wish I could make him like 1 year old again for just a few days & then let him go back & he thought I was crazy.  I don't think it's hormones or you wanting another baby, but just something all us mothers go through.  And as someone else posted, it doesn't get any easier because they keep growing and changing every year.  So very sad.  I find myself crying about it from time to time especially after everyone has gone to bed & my mind wanders back to the times when they were little.  Gosh, just reading this made me all teary eyed.  I think you're quite normal unless it's affecting your every day life.  Ah, the joys of motherhood!!  :)

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