
My youtube video on a div layout is so low!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a simple div square layout and when I put in the youtube video there s a huge space between the title and the actual video. I can see the video but I have to scroll down a lot, it's crazy!

How do I fix that? D:

My layout is





  1. Justin

    Post the CSS.

    EDIT: It looks fine in Firefox, and screwy in Internet Explorer. You have a lot of code, but "I think" the problem is this:

    Your 'aboutMe' div is inside a table. The table starts at the top of the page, and is white, and it's getting stretched down by your div. Firefox is ignoring the problem (good old FF) and the table starts where your div starts, and IE is acting stupid and making a mess.

  2. Sorry to hear that:(

    It's easy for moyea flv to video converter. With this tool, you can download, play, and convert youtube vids to your dvd.  I'm using it for a long time and it works very well.

    1. download the video (it will automatically be saved to your compuper hard disk)

    2. convert the video to mpeg format

    3. burn the converted file to your dvd with nero.

    Here is the guide,

    Good luck.

    You can search "flv to dvd" on google for more info.

    Good luck.

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