
My zebra finches keep having eggs???

by  |  earlier

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They never hatch but seem to be fertile...They keep having them and wont stop..I need HELPPP!!!




  1. what ever you do DO NOT REMOVE THE EGGS!!! by doing this she simply replaces them and this will deplete her system of her nutrients that she needs!!! she will eventually learn they are not going to hatch and she will be done. remove any nest box you may have. rearrange her cage a lot... maybe even try a new room. change around her feeding schedule... anything you can do to make her UNCOMFORTABLE is great. birds only lay eggs when they feel very secure and by changing their enviroment they may stop.  try reducing the amount of light that your birds recieve... less than 12 hours is reccommended. Also, make sure you provide a cuttlebone for your bird to replace any calcium she might need in her body as a result of her egg laying. there is such thing as chronic egg laying which is very dangerous. there is a link below to help you find an avian vet in your area. you should probably contact one if the laying gets out of control. good luck!

  2. try getting a nesting box as then they will sit on the eggs to keep them warm as they might not be sitting on them.

    dont touch them as this will stop them sitting on them

    do you know you have a boy and a girl

    or do you just have 1

    female eggs are not olways fertile

    to see if they are fertile you have to shine a tourch on them, if there are little blood vestles in side then it is if not it is not vertile.

  3. just leave them and they will get rid of them for themselfs

    or remove the nestbox

  4. Hi,

    Firstly have you got a nest box in the cage as if the birds are just laying eggs on the floor then they won't incubate them.

    Secondly you need to provide the birds with an empty nest box and then just place a handful of hay on the floor of the cage so the birds can bulid their own nest, finches will not just use an old nest or just hay laid in the nest box.

    Third thing, have you got a male and a female as females will lay eggs even if theres no male.

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