
MyIs this normal for an 8 year old girl to get white discharge from her v****a?

by  |  earlier

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f so why? If not what could be going on with her?




  1. That's one of the first stages of puberty. 8 is early but not unheard of, you need to go ahead and take her to the doctor for a check-up to make sure that she doesn't have an infection. Definitely go ahead and talk to her about the changes that she can expect during puberty, especially her period coming.

  2. is it yeast? if so she needs a cream and lots of water and a good diet.

  3. WOAH.... that's extremely early to be getting discharge. There is nothing wrong with her, she is just starting puberty VERY early. Girls get discharge about 6-18 months before they start their period. So she will probably get her period when she is 9 or 10 years old.

    I would talk to her about periods and prepare her with supplies.

    Does she have any other puberty signs? Because discharge is the closest sign you can get. Good luck:)

  4. She might just be an early bloomer. I am in high school and my friends little sister's friend got her period this year and she is only in grade one or two (i cant remember) that means she is only about 7. One important thing I would do is sit her down and explain the whole 'period' thing to her because she wont learn it at school for another few years. She might think that she is dieing or something if she finds blood on her undies one day! Just explain it to her generally and everything will be fine.

  5. Take her to a doctor

  6. Could be her hormones kicking in but it could also be an infection from not wiping herself properly after using the toilet.  I would take her for a check up and ask her doctor what it could be just to be on the safe side.

  7. i had it as long as she dos not have a p till she is 9 oh she is fine

  8. I guess it is normal, just kind of early..

    maybe it's an early puberty, but 8 is kind of young yikes

  9. Id see a doc to make sure I have 4 daughters ..that never occured

  10. Sounds like she will be entering puberty in the next few years.  Most girls get that for a few years before starting their periods.

  11. uhhuh

    it means that she is ggrowing up to be  a woman and she will start her periods soon.

    If u really worried, I would go to see a docctor.

  12. If you are really worried, take her to a doctor. Either before or after, give her the "getting older talk". , just the basics about being a girl. Good Luck!

  13. yes it is normal.. it is just her body cleaning up itself.

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