Quite honestly, Im sick of talking about this condition, but would really love a defenite answer!!! I got three baby rats at the start of this year, all with the virus/bacteria/condition. One was sneezing right from the outset, and she passed away a couple of days ago. Another suddenly contracted pnemonia and died after we had her only a few weeks, and the last one is still hanging on with relatively mild symptoms. My vet has told me that putting another rat in the cage with her to keep her company would be a death sentence for them, as this condition is highly contagious, and yet the breeders I have been in contact with have told me that nearly all rats are born with this condition, and whether or not it develops is due to the strength of their immune system, or a stressful event that may set it off.
I want to know which one is right!?
Basically, is it safe to put another rat in with my sick Daisy, or will they become ill and die as a result?