
Myolplex/ other protein products?

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So, I just finished reading body for life by Bill Phillips, and I understand the concept and everything, and I am going to try his 12 week challenge. I have already lost 60lbs, and i am down to 170 lbs, but now it's time to muscle build. In his book, he recommends using myoplex as a meal replacement/ after workout supplement, but this product is very expensive, especially for the amount you get in one box. I wanted to know if there is a difference between myoplex and other products such as NO-xplode, muscle milk, and 100% whey protein. I know they all help to build muscle, but I want to know which one fits in best as a substitute for myoplex, or which one works better. Any other product suggestions are welcome! Please explain about the products too, if you can.




  1. my husband, who works out constantly, swears by no-explode...he loves the stuff...he just started taking plasma jet also....oh yeah, and he loves animal pak stuff..The stuff can get expensive, however if you look on the internet you can always find it much much husband works at GNC and even with his employee discount he can still get things cheaper off of the net... good luck!!

  2. myoplex is pretty expensive.  Other products work just as well.  Im a fan of labrada.  the cheapest place to buy your supplements that i have found are either ebay (many are expired though) or

    I would skip the NO-xplode.  Its a waste of money.  Muscle milk is  a good product to take before bedtime.  It has the caesin proteins.

    I have followed the body for life diet for years.  Eating small meals throughout the day.  I take 2-3 skakes a day as meal supplements.  Workout 4 days a week.  I use the labrada lean muscle shakes and drink muscle milk at night.   I prefer the labrada d/t the high fiber content.

  3. help with my question;...

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