
Mypsace question(S).?

by  |  earlier

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ok, first of all I wanna know how to get the my profile song to start playing automaticlly(rite now you have to push play), and i wanna know how to change the layout of it, I wanna know how to hide friends and comments, and well anything else cool you can add. best answer gets 10 points!!




  1. go to edit profile, look where it says interests & personality and go all the way over to song and video then it should say account settings and under music players it says autostart my profile music player.

    hope it helps

    go to and you go down to hide stuff and yoou can hide a bunch of things and do whatever.

  2. hey..

    ok well sometimes songs dont work automatically.

    make sure ur page has only 1 song.

    try adding a different song.

    here are some websites thatgive tons of help.

    they show u codes, cute layouts, and alot of info. on everything u wanna know.

    good luck & have fun..

  3. wellll, to make the song start playing automatically, i think theres something in your myspace profile that says songs or music or something. It's called Song and Video, click it

    click change autoplay settings, scroll down it says Music Players. click the first check box, it says start auto play.

    For layouts, find one, paste it in your about me.

    then to hide friends and comments, you have to find the code via google, and paste that in your about me, or in the who you want to meet section.

    I hope I helped.

    anything else you want to add just put in in the about me, or in any of the other slots, they don't necessarily have to be for music and stuff.

    OH, and a hint, if you are under age, keep it on private. :]

    and save your parents the stress of having to see half naked bathing suit pictures, remember anyone can hack into your myspace, it isn't that hard.

    just trying to keep you safe. :]

    good luck.

  4. (1) go to profile editor  on the frunt page and u should see songs and videos and go to it

    (2)for your layout u have to get codes u can go to myhotcomments and at the top it will have myhotlayouts then go to that

    (3)to hide ur friends and comments u can go to

    hope u got god luck
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