
Myself and my teenager daughter are going to Italy in mid May...?

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We are mostly going to Northern Italy but we may go to Naples as well. Anyway, I just wondered what the weather is like in May? I'm a little worried as reading some of the weather predictions on various websites it seems like it will be very hot. Too hot to walk around in! Can anyone give me some more accurate information?




  1. I'm Italian..I live in the centre and I can tell you that in May it's could be very hot,indeed (so,forget jumpers ecc)...if you go to Naples,then you can go to the beach!

    but,you know,May it's not summer yet,so, I think you should bring with you different kinds of clothes,because it may rain or be cold,especially at night!

    good luck and have a nice time!

  2. If you really find a service that can really predict weather a month in advance, they got superpower from cosmic origin... :)

    Just today there was a big rose up in temperature; 8 to 10 centigrade above average. Anyway it's unlikable it will be so hot you can't walk around, even in Southern Italy. Maybe in June. Anyway, tourists always visit Italy in July or August, when it's very hot for sure. But since next week should be as hot as today, who knows what to expect for May...? I'm sure you're not going to have any problem in the North, although.

  3. I've just come back from Milan. Pleasantly warm, sunny, low 20's C

  4. Hot, althought north is slightly cooler. I say forget jumpers, but may might have a bit of rain, so take the umbrella!

    Don't forget sun cream if you are not used to sun.

  5. it won't be hot in the north, in naples yes

  6. Don't know where your are from.  But hot in May? Not really. Let's say comfortable.

    Northern of Italy would be cool at night, like most of the Alpines countries.

    Naples is way down the boot, Mediterranean weather...warm.

    July and August would be a lot hotter.

  7. The weather should be lovely in May. The climate is ideal in May and it should definitely not be too hot. Naples might be a little hot but nothing unbearable. The cities of Northern Italy are particularly nice in terms of climate during May.

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